Our top ten suggestions in caring for the home front
What the civilian community can do for families of the deployed...
1. Pray - for us and for our deployed loved one
2. Offer specific suggestions in how you can help - then follow through
3. Include us in your lives and activities - we get lonely
4. Childcare - we need a break and our kids need extra love and attention
5. Practical help - yard work, handyman help, auto help, computer help, etc.
6. Meals - invite us over or deliver a meal
7. Random acts of kindness - God knows when we're having a bad day...if He
moves you to do something, do it!
8. Notes or phone calls - remind us you care and are praying for us; listen, and let us vent if we need to
9. Watch out for us - for our safety and well-being
10. Be patient with us - our plate is full and some obligations we just can't keep
up with
And one more...

Care packages - they brighten our day too!
For the complete list of suggestions in showing how you can care and encourage as provided by military spouses, please visit this LINK.
Here is a copy of the list to share:
Copyright 2008 - 2022 Benita Koeman, Operation We Are Here. All rights reserved.
Operation We Are Here is a HUB of RESOURCES for the military community and military supporters.
Military support is not a concept to embrace; military support is sacrificial action. Visit our military support TOOLKIT.