Services & opportunity locators for military & veteran families & supporters
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Veterans service officers (VSOs)
State military & veteran resource websites
Websites with locators
Veterans service officers (VSOs)
National Association of County Veterans Service Officers
NACVSO is comprised of local County Veteran Service Officer's (CVSO's) from all around the country. We serve veterans in their home communities so that each veteran has professional representation throughout their pursuit of the various benefits to which they are entitled.
When you come into the County Veterans Services Office you will be referred to a service officer for assistance. The County Veterans Service Officer has a compassionate understanding of the problems which confront veterans, widows, widowers, and children. The County Veterans Service Officer will apply specialized knowledge in the best way suited to the needs of every individual veteran or other beneficiary who comes to the office for assistance.
Directory of service officers by State or County - LINK
State military and veteran resource websites
Arizona - Arizona Coalition for Military Families
The Arizona Coalition for Military Families is a public/private partnership focused on building Arizona’s statewide capacity to care for and support all service members, veterans and their families. The Coalition fosters cross-sector collaboration between the military, government and community.
California - California Association of Veteran Service Agencies
The mission of California Association of Veteran Service Agencies (CAVSA) is to inform public policy and advocate at the state and local level for the mental health, housing assistance, employment, and medical needs that will lift veterans and their families out of poverty and homelessness.
California - CalVet
Benefits and services for veterans and their families.
California - Military Family Support Group (El Dorado County)
Military Family Support Group honors & empowers military service members, veterans and their families by providing resources and advocacy through community partnerships to improve well-being, alleviate stress and assist with unmet needs.
California - San Diego Veterans Coalition (San Diego)
The purpose of the San Diego Veterans Coalition (SDVC) is to serve the needs of San Diego regional veterans, their families and significant others. We intend to improve collaboration and coordination among community service providers.
California - SD United (San Diego)
SD United is San Diego’s first care coordination technology specifically built for the veteran and military community. Designed by a collective of established community partners, this network is not a new program or service, but a new coordinated way of serving our veterans and military community.
California - The Orange County Veterans & Military Families Collaborative
The Orange County Veterans and Military Families Collaborative, OCVMFC, provides Orange County veterans and military families with resources and assistance from local organizations. We aim to provide services that positively impact veterans and military families in need of assistance. Services can range from housing, employment, education, and community outreach.
California - Vets' Community Connections
Vets' Community Connections (VCC) is a community-based initiative designed to involve a greater number of individuals to connect veterans with their community.
VCC provides individuals and businesses who want to do more than say "thanks for your service" the avenue to do so. VCC provides an opportunity for individuals to use their own professional experience and expertise to respond to veteran and military family relocation and reintegration questions involving such areas as: education, health, career and business, recreation, arts, community service, as well as a host of others.
Many veterans prefer assistance, in the form of opportunity and connecting to the greater community-- VCC does just this.
Colorado - Joining Community Forces
Colorado Joining Community Forces connects community organizations that assist veterans, service members, and their families.
Colorado - Northern Colorado Veteran Resource Center (Greeley, CO)
Our mission is to be the premier central hub to allow veterans to obtain and apply for the resource and benefits they deserve. We will accomplish this mission through free classes on different topics to better assist our veterans and their families with their transition into the next chapter of their life. Instead of creating services that already exist, we will be partnering with other non-profits that are serving our veteran community in different areas. The non-profits will be able to work within our resource center to better serve our community with the ease of access to having all of their resources in one central location.
Colorado - Peak Military Care Network (Colorado Springs, CO)
Peak Military Care Network (PMCN) connects military service members, veterans, and their families to the community through information and referral services. PMCN also provides utility bill assistance through Project COPE.
DC - Serving Together
ServingTogether was created to simplify access to the wealth of resources and veterans organizations in the National Capital Region and beyond that were created for those who have served and their families. We are positioned as the conduit to a greater community of support.
Our mission is to provide clear guidance and ensure understanding of the earned resources available to veterans, members of the military and their families. We have solid relationships with nonprofits, community veteran organizations, local businesses and County government, all with a common goal of sharing ongoing support in the many transitions in life beyond the military.
Our focus is to continually be listening, understanding, and collaborating with both our community partners and our veteran families to improve lives and strengthen the future for those who have given to our country.
Delaware - Delaware Military Support
Delaware Military Support Organization is a 501(c)(3) organization that is a group comprised of community volunteers whose goal is to support the health, welfare and morale of the military men and women and their families where needed. By combining our resources, DMSO is able to support several military programs, including KUDOS (Kids Understanding Deployment Operations) and dignified transfer assistance as well as assisting military personnel and their families who are experiencing financial hardship and much more...
Delaware - Veterans Multi-Service Center
Veterans Multi-Service Center (VMC) provides comprehensive services to military Veterans and their families.
Florida - Florida 4 Warriors
The mission of Florida 4 Warriors is to provide support for all veterans, enlisted, guard and reservists of all branches in the state of Florida.
Florida - Florida Veterans Foundation
Florida Veterans Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization to support of the livelihood and general welfare of Florida veterans.
Georgia - America's Warrior Partnership
America's Warrior Partnership (AWP) leads this work through relationships with communities to serve the veteran, their families, and caregivers. By fostering and building these relationships, we help to make the connections at the local level.
Georgia - United Military Care
Making military and veteran families stronger through emergency assistance, problem solving and strategic planning.
Illinois - Illinois Joining Forces
Illinois Joining Forces is a statewide network of veteran and military-serving organizations working together to serve Illinois better.
Indiana - The Military Veterans Coalition of Indiana
The Military / Veterans Coalition of Indiana’s (TMVCI) mission is to promote the needs of the military community of Indiana including Active, National Guard, Reserve, retirees and their families.
Kansas - KanVet
KanVet provides direct access to State of Kansas veteran-specific resources and benefits without having to navigate multiple state agency websites. Serving all veterans, transitioning service members and their families.
Kansas - State of Kansas
Includes a link to the Kansas Veterans Service Directory and additional resources.
Maine - Maine Military & Community Network
This network is a community effort to understand, prevent, and help deal with the lingering aftereffects of war on service members, their families, and their communities.
Together, we work to raise awareness about:
- Challenges faced by service members and their families
- Resources that exist to help them
- How we can help connect service members and their families to their Maine communities
Maryland (Montgomery County) - Serving Together
Serving Together knows Montgomery County, Maryland and will provide clear guidance for service members and their families on how to access the information and resources they deserve. Serving Together, with help from Montgomery County government, local organizations, and businesses, is striving to provide a sustained, coordinated system in support to the 50,000 veterans living in Montgomery County and welcome home the newest generation of Warriors.
Massachusetts - The Mass VetsAdvisor is an easy to use online resource created by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that strives to serve the nearly half-million veterans living in Massachusetts, and their families, as a bridge to the many benefits that they have earned in defense of our nation. By combining state and federal benefits, as well as non-profit resources into one tailored online search, veterans and their families now have access to one stop shopping for all of their needs. Access to financial, education, and housing benefits that once took hours to research, resulting in dozens of phone calls, meetings, and frustration, are now just one click away on
Michigan - Operation We Are Here
Operation We Are Here has a dedicated list of resources and opportunities for Michigan military service members, veterans, and their families.
Minnesota - Beyond the Yellow Ribbon
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is a comprehensive program that creates awareness for the purpose of connecting service members and their families with community support, training, services and resources.
We do this by:
- Creating awareness through the Yellow Ribbon Community Campaign and synchronizing sustainable community support networks.
- Connecting and coordinating organizations, agencies and companies to provide resources and support to service members and their families.
- Delivering a series of formal Yellow Ribbon Training events to service members and their families before, during and after deployment.
- Providing an opportunity for Minnesotans to support service members and their families.
Minnesota - Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV)
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting veterans for over 25 years. Each year MACV receives more than 25,000 contacts, inquiries, and requests from veterans across the state. In 2013, MACV comprehensively served 1,785 veterans and their families throughout Minnesota who were homeless or experiencing a crisis that could lead to homelessness – and the need for services continues to rise.
Many homeless and veterans’ organizations recognize MACV’s transitional and permanent housing programs as a model for the nation. We have a passion for serving those in Minnesota who first served us.
Minnesota - Minnesota Family Assistance Centers
Minnesota Family Assistance Centers are geographically dispersed throughout the state to offer resources, referrals and support to all service members and military family members. FACs are connected to communities and the military units in the surrounding area. They understand that asking for support is difficult for military families and they also know that challenges occur that require outside support. No matter what the challenge or question, the FC supports military families.
Missouri -
Missouri thanks its veterans for their service defending this country and appreciates their sacrifices. If you are a new veteran, longtime veteran, family member of a veteran, or survivor of a veteran, we have resources for you.
Missouri - St. Louis Area Resource Directory
Missouri (St. Louis) - The Kaufman Fund
The Kaufman Fund provides support for local veterans, spouses, and children who have been deprived of life’s basic necessities. Our mission is to reach out and render support to every veteran, spouse, and child in need.
Nevada - Welcome All Veterans Everywhere, Inc. (WAVE)
The mission of WAVE is to help U.S. military service veterans in western Nevada to obtain the care they earned and were promised. Our goal is to be a one-stop point of contact for any issue that affects a veteran or his or her family.
New Hampshire - Vets Count
Veterans Count provides critical and timely financial assistance and services to New Hampshire service members, veterans and their families when no other resources are available to ensure their dignity, health and overall well-being.
New Jersey - Bonds of Courage
We provide a network of support to ensure no troop, veteran or family member is ever alone. Our ability to intervene and solve emerging problems makes a substantial difference in the lives of service members. Veterans and those that are still serving, many times, need help getting access to existing programs that aren’t as simple to access as they should be.
New Jersey - Home Front Hearts
Home Front Hearts provides support and resources to the families of service members, increasing public awareness of the struggles and sacrifices of military families, and building communities that are responsive to the needs of these families.
- We are the bridge between military families with needs who don’t always have a “voice” and those of us who want to help but don’t know how. We are small enough and flexible enough to do very direct meaningful work with minimal overhead and bureaucracy.
- We provide a place where military families can go for help without shame, embarrassment or impact to military service.
- We address the “unmet needs” of our clients (financial assistance, coaching/counseling, legal assistance, etc.).
- We match corporate, non-profit, community, and individual “givers” to military families in need.
- We stay involved - overseeing progress, providing resources and support, and ensuring needs are met until the family is back on track.
- We provide flexible service fellowship opportunities for wounded warrior caregivers and/or military spouses unable to work outside the home due to their own health/disability or that of a child/children, to assist other military families while earning much needed income.
- We assist military children nationwide by increasing awareness to peers, teachers, coaches, parents, and mentors about the challenges military children face and educating these community members on the best ways to support and assist these children.
- We maintain a continually-updated resource directory and news source on our website and partner with and utilize many of our website resources as we support our clients.
New Jersey (Southern) - Veterans Multi-Service Center
Veterans Multi-Service Center (VMC) provides comprehensive services to military Veterans and their families.
New York - CNY Veteran's Outreach Center (Central New York)
Our mission: "To enrich the veteran's quality of life by providing supportive comprehensive services to all veterans in need so they may successfully integrate back into the society to which they served, consequently enhancing the surrounding communities. We will devote our time to assist veterans and their families in multifaceted ways through strong collaboration and dedication of the professionals involved so that growth will occur."
The Utica Center for Development INC. (UCD)/ Central New York Veterans Outreach Center(CNYVOC) was formed to provide and conduct charitable, educational, social service, and housing services for those in need. The UCD/CNYVOC came to be developed by Vincent Scalise, an Iraqi/Afghanistan war veteran who realized there was a lack of services for veterans in Upstate New York.
CNYVOC is in the process of creating a resourceful, one stop facility in Utica for veterans residing throughout Central New York. When complete this facility would offer, among other services, transitional housing for homeless veterans with permanent housing for disabled and elderly veterans, plus a wide variety of other services.
New York - Military Family Foundation (Delmar, NY)
The mission of the Military Family Foundation is to help military service members (past and present) and their families with obtaining emergency assistance and social/emotional support through our programs as well as local service agencies and other nationally recognized organizations. Military Family Foundation is also working with local agencies to establish a Peer 2 Peer program to Albany County.
Throughout the year, we work with various local and national organizations to assist in fundraising, charity drives, military events and activities, as well as Adopt a Family programs for the holiday season!
New York - NYC Veterans Alliance
Our Veterans is an informational website resource for veterans, military members, and their families in the NY Metro area.
New York - NYServes (New York City)
NYServes – New York City is a citywide network of public, nonprofit and private service providers committed to serving veterans, service members and their families in a coordinated way.
New York - NY Serves (Upstate)
NYServes – Upstate is a coordinated network of public, private and nonprofit organizations serving veterans, service members and their families in the upstate area, utilizing a common technology platform to create accountability and formalize communication, coordination and transparency in order to efficiently and effectively guide veterans, service members and their families to the most appropriate services and resources available to achieve their unique goals.
New York - Veterans One-Stop Center of Western New York
The Veterans One-stop Center of Western New York, Inc. brings people, organizations, and resources together in time, space, and effort to effectively improve the well-being of all Western New York Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and their immediate families.
New York - Veterans Outreach Center
Veterans Outreach Center is a local non-profit providing supportive services to veterans in Rochester, Buffalo and the 14 surrounding counties.
New York - Western New York Heroes
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to making a difference for our veterans and Troops. We offer financial assistance for disabled, Return and Recover, and multiple grant programs.
North Carolina - American Heroes for North Carolina
American Heroes for North Carolina is a nonprofit founded by veterans. Our vision is to make the Triad area a welcoming place for veterans. We strive to educate the community about the importance of supporting our vets and the value they bring to our community. Also, we work to educate veterans about their post-military opportunities and to encourage them to return to the Triad to live, work, and play.
AH4NC promotes the interests of former members of the US Armed Services who served their country honorably, whose family members sacrificed their time and treasure to make it possible for their family to serve and to protect America’s freedoms, and who now seek to fulfill their goals to become productive citizens and community leaders.
North Carolina - NCSILC
North Carolina - NCCARE360 and NCServes
NCCARE360 is the first statewide coordinated care network to better connect individuals to local services and resources.
NCServes is always here to serve veterans, service members, and military families.
North Carolina - Western North Carolina Veterans Purpose
Bringing the WNC community together to share information, knowledge, support and resources; and to become a unified voice advocating for local veterans.
Ohio - Ohio Network for Military Families
In an effort to better support children of military dependents, Ohio Department of Education created the Ohio Network for Military Families and Veterans. This network connects families of military members to online resource information and tools.
Oklahoma - Oklahoma Veteran Connections
The first coordinated referral network in Oklahoma, our mission is to transform systems of service delivery to veterans through a 360-degree referral process for partner providers. This person-centered service delivery system will empower organizations serving veterans to seamlessly create and receive referrals while easily tracking outcomes to more efficiently connect veterans to needed help.
Pennsylvania - PA Families Inc.
Pennsylvania Families, Inc. is the statewide family network that convenes families of children in child-serving systems, connects them to information and resources to maximize their quality of life, and collaborates to improve community supports, services, and family outcomes.
Pennsylvania - PAServes (Greater Pittsburgh)
About PAServes – Greater Pittsburgh: A program designed for military veterans, service members and their families to aid them in connecting with resources in the greater Pittsburgh area. The PAServes – Greater Pittsburgh program is hosted by Pittsburgh Mercy, bringing a comprehensive system to coordinate services for those who have served in the military. Regardless of discharge status, if you have served in the military or are the family member of someone who has served, you may qualify for resources in the community.
The PAServes – Greater Pittsburgh staff are veterans themselves and therefore have a unique understanding of how difficult it can be to transition from military to civilian life or determine what benefits are available twenty years after service. Services coordinated include applying for VA benefits, Education, Financial Assistance, Healthcare, Housing, Legal, Social Activities/Meeting Fellow Vets, Mentoring, Sports & Fitness, and Spouse and Family Support. If you or a veteran you know could benefit from services please call 1-855-838-7744.
Pennsylvania - Veterans Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania
Veterans Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania provides essential housing, employment, and supportive services to veterans and their families.
Pennsylvania - Veterans Multi-Service Center
Veterans Multi-Service Center (VMC) provides comprehensive services to military Veterans and their families.
Rhode Island - Rhode Island Servces
The Coordination Center in Rhode Island provides a strong network of coordinated services to support our veterans, service members, and their families succeed in the civilian community.
RIServes offers veterans, service members, and their families access to a variety of providers that offer services in legal, housing, employment, medical, money management, clothing and household goods, education, transportation and more. All RIServes direct providers offer comprehensive services to all who serve, have served and their families.
South Carolina - Augusta Warrior Project
Connecting warriors and their families who live in the Greater Augusta area of Georgia and South Carolina (CSRA) with resources that improve their lives.
South Carolina - Military and Veterans Service Alliance
The Military and Veterans Service Alliance (MAVSA) of the Lowcountry exists to provide a single source of information by which a military service person, veteran, retiree, or family member thereof can go for information and help in resolving problems relating to health, both physical and mental, housing, food, clothing, transportation, education, etc. The alliance also provides a source of information by which veterans can associate themselves with other veterans in the various organizations that exist throughout the lowcountry.
South Carolina - SCIWAY
South Carolina military and military retiree orgnaizations.
South Carolina - SCServes
SCServes stands committed to coordinate care for our community's active duty, veterans, and military connected families.
South Carolina - Tri-County Veterans Support Network (Charleston, SC)
The Tri-County Veterans Support Network serves our local veterans and their families in crisis in the Charleston tri-county area. Resolved to provide more comprehensive and holistic service to our local veterans, we have formed a collaborative network of veteran service agencies in our area.
South Carolina - Upstate Warrior Solution
Connecting warriors and their families to the resources they need.
Tennessee - Tennessee Military Family Programs
We are a diverse group of professionals with distinctive skill sets that form the center of gravity to enhance our Guard families' circle of life; we are dedicated to providing guidance and direct actions that will produce healthy life choices and promote resiliency within our Guard family.
Contact the Tennessee Military & Family Readiness Operations office at: (877) 311-3264.
Tennessee - Tri-Cities Military Affairs Council (Northeast Tennessee)
The Tri-Cities Military Affairs Council (TCMAC) is organized to recognize, encourage, support, and be an advocate for military and veteran affairs in North East Tennessee as they relate to national defense and economic vitality of the area.
Texas - Combined Arms (Houston)
Our mission is to unite the community to accelerate the impact of veterans on Houston.
In order to achieve our mission, we are focusing on three strategic objectives:
1. Establish and nurture a system of organizations focused on supporting organizations that provide military transition and community reintegration services.
2. Reduce program redundancies and costs.
3. Increase collaboration among programs within the system.
We are building a network of partner organizations in America’s fourth largest city, in order to assist transitioning military veterans and their families on their path to making Houston their new home
Texas - East Texas Veterans Resource Center
East Texas Veterans Resource Center offers services and resources for veterans and their families: Veteran Peer Groups, Family Peer Groups, Assistance for Homeless Veterans and those at risk of becoming Homeless.
Texas - San Antonio Coalition for Veterans and Families
Our mission is to provide leadership, to connect veterans, families and caregivers with community resources to improve their lives.
Texas - Texas 4 Warriors
Florida4Warriors welcomes our chapter in Texas; Texas4Warriors. Texas4Warriors will provide support for Veterans, service members, their families, and community. Building a culture of support through comradery, laughter, and fellowship in the state of Texas!
Texas - Texas Serves (North Texas)
TXServes – North Texas offers veterans, service members, and their families access to a variety of providers that offer services in legal, housing, employment, medical, money management, clothing and household goods, education, transportation and more critical needs of the population. All TXServes direct providers offer comprehensive services to all who serve or have served and their families.
Texas - Texas Serves (San Antonio)
TXServes – San Antonio is a coordinated network of public, private and nonprofit organizations serving veterans, service members and their families in San Antonio, and Bexar County. TXServes – San Antonio uses technology and its partner network to guide veterans, service members and their families to the most appropriate services and resources available.
Texas - TexVet
A portal of information for the Texas veteran community.
Helping hands for Utah's heroes.
The mission of the Four-State CVEB is to unify community efforts to provide collaborative resources to veterans, service members and their families.
Although the concept was envisioned by the Department of Veterans Affairs, our local community based initiative was established in July 2016 and has grown to almost 200 community partners, veteran service organizations, congressional partners, and non-governmental organizations. The CVEB impact is extending to 22 veteran counties within the four-state region of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
We convene monthly to develop local solutions, expand our network, and facilitate access to resources. The Four State CVEB meetings are held monthly in Martinsburg WV, on the last Friday of the month.
Virginia - Four-State Community Veterans Engagement Board (CVEB)
The mission of the Four-State CVEB is to unify community efforts to provide collaborative resources to veterans, service members and their families.
Although the concept was envisioned by the Department of Veterans Affairs, our local community based initiative was established in July 2016 and has grown to almost 200 community partners, veteran service organizations, congressional partners, and non-governmental organizations. The CVEB impact is extending to 22 veteran counties within the four-state region of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
We convene monthly to develop local solutions, expand our network, and facilitate access to resources. The Four State CVEB meetings are held monthly in Martinsburg WV, on the last Friday of the month.
Virginia - Mission United Hampton Roads
The Hampton Roads region boasts one of the largest military-connected populations in the nation – over 400,000 veterans, active duty members, and their families. When our military neighbors are in need, Mission United Hampton Roads stands ready to help, connecting them to community organizations that can provide relief. Mission United, a collective impact initiative spearheaded by the United Way of South Hampton Roads, is a free program that coordinates community services for active duty service members, veterans and their families, connecting them to affordable housing, job training, health care and other resources through a single entry point to the help they need.
Virginia - NOVA Veterans Association (Northern Virginia)
NOVA Veterans Association provides critical services for our most vulnerable veterans who are not able to access & receive services on their own.
Washington - Seahawks Task Force 12
The Pacific Northwest is home to the 7th-largest military presence in the NFL, making up almost 18% of the WA state population with hundreds of thousands of services members, veterans and their families calling the area home. With six major military installations within 60 miles of Lumen Field, the Seattle Seahawks and 12 local grassroots military non-profit organizations are joining forces to create a "family" of support for our military service members, veterans, and their families.
Washington - WAServes (Greater Puget Sound)
WAServes – Greater Puget Sound is a coordinated network of public, private and nonprofit organizations serving service members, veterans, and their families in the Greater Puget Sound area. Utilizing a common technology platform to create accountability and formalize communication. WAServes – Greater Puget Sound improves coordination and transparency in order to efficiently and effectively guide veterans and their families to the most appropriate services and resources available to help resolve their requests.
Washington - Washington Military Resource Directory
West Virginia - Four-State Community Veterans Engagement Board (CVEB)
The mission of the Four-State CVEB is to unify community efforts to provide collaborative resources to veterans, service members and their families.
Although the concept was envisioned by the Department of Veterans Affairs, our local community based initiative was established in July 2016 and has grown to almost 200 community partners, veteran service organizations, congressional partners, and non-governmental organizations. The CVEB impact is extending to 22 veteran counties within the four-state region of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
We convene monthly to develop local solutions, expand our network, and facilitate access to resources. The Four State CVEB meetings are held monthly in Martinsburg WV, on the last Friday of the month. Service Member Support Division
Wisconsin SMSD will provide Wisconsin’s service members and their families mobile, high quality, effective, and efficient assistance throughout the deployment cycle. Programs shall consist of informational events and activities for members of the Armed Forces, their families, and community members to facilitate access to services supporting their health and well-being. Supporting services includes education, advocacy, intervention and short-term counseling, resource awareness education, support in accessing resources, referral to community resources and services, youth and parent education and enrichment programs.
Websites with service and opportunity locators
The following list of websites have locator tools to help the military community and military supporters locate services and opportunities in proximity to their location. Also visit this link for INTEREST-BASED SUPPORT FOR MILITARY AND VETERANS.
In addition to the list below, consider also the resource network of a military installation (if you live near one), local veteran service organizations (American Legion, AmVets, VFW), VA facilities, American Red Cross chapters, or the YMCA. Other critical resources include:
- Call MilitaryOneSource 1-800-342-9647 and ask to speak to the state consultant. All for Good makes it simple to find ways to do good by helping people connect with service activities in their communities. The site brings together service opportunities from local and national organizations to help you find volunteer activities that fit your time and interests.
American Red Cross The American Red Cross offers confidential services to all military personnel (active duty, National Guard, Reserves, and veterans) and their families by connecting them with Red Cross and community resources through our network of chapters in communities across the United States and offices on military installations worldwide. Local Red Cross offices develop and maintain relationships with key community partners. Military families rely on the Red Cross to help them identify their needs and connect them to the most appropriate Red Cross and community resources. This key Red Cross service ranges from responding to emergency needs for food, clothing, and shelter, referrals to counseling services (e.g., financial, legal, mental health), respite care for caregivers, and other resources that meet the unique needs of local military members, veterans and their families. Contact your local chapter - LINK
Blue Star Families' mission of support-connect-empower begins with our volunteers who are scattered across the country. Within communities of the United States, we have chapters, managed by our hard-working team of Chapter Directors. Each chapter represents us at local events, serves as a liaison between the military and civilian communities, and recruits volunteers to support our various programs.
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a community of mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have children serving in the military, guard or reserves, or children who are veterans. We support each other and our children while promoting patriotism. Our organization focuses on our mission every single day and will never, ever, forsake our troops, our veterans or the families of our Fallen Heroes.
Community OneSource (Easter Seals) helps veterans and their families connect to services and resources within their communities. Call 866-423-4981 or e-mail
Disabled American Veterans Getting involved in your local DAV Chapter is one of the many ways you can reach out to fellow veterans in your community. DAV Chapter members usually meet monthly to network and discuss issues of importance to veterans and the organization. Legislation, volunteer efforts and community projects are among the topics discussed, as well as upcoming events and activities.
HOOAH, Inc (Helping Our American Heroes) Our mission is to lend support to forward deployed servicemen and women, their stateside families, and returning veterans with a high level of understanding, compassion, and empathy. Chapters in these states: Minnesota, Georgia, Colorado, Wisconsin, Kansas and Hawaii. Get connected with other military believers, churches and ministries all over the world. Use social tools to find events, and opportunities in your area. Login now or register as a member - it's free.
National Association of County Veterans Service Officers If you want assistance or need help in obtaining benefits, Contact Us and we will do our best to answer your questions or help you contact the County or State Veterans Service Officer nearest your place of residence. You will receive a response within 24 hours. The National Resource Directory connects wounded warriors, service members, veterans, their families and caregivers with those who support them.
Operation Homefront provides services to military families across the nation with 23 locations serving 43 states. The national office handles cases in states that do not have their own local offices.
QRF.UP First and foremost our mission is to bring our veterans out of the darkest moments in their lives and into the light. We strive to be better for our sisters and brothers through education, community and social experiences both in their communities and outside their state. We aim to create a healthy foundation for each veteran we connect with. We create space for veterans to feel safe to tackle obstacles and accomplish all of their goals for a successful, healthy life. We offer a variety of opportunities to help veterans be the best version of themselves, while having some fun along the way.
USO Millions of times each year at hundreds of locations around the world, the USO lifts the spirits of America’s troops and their families. A nonprofit, congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities.
Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities This site is a storehouse of facility and key staff information within 1815 VA facilities, maintained on a regular basis by editors and administrators nationwide throughout the VA network. Designed for ease-of-use, this site categorizes information for browsing by state and administration, as well as by viewing through an interactive map of the United States. Links to various VA services and policies are also available. VolunteerMatch strengthens communities by making it easier for good people and good causes to connect. The organization offers a variety of online services to support a community of nonprofit, volunteer and business leaders committed to civic engagement. Our popular service welcomes millions of visitors a year and has become the preferred internet recruiting tool for more than 79,000 nonprofit organizations. I can help you to find a way to support the military community that is a good fit for you, and equip you with some great resources and information to help!I can help you to find a way to support the military community that is a good fit for you, and equip you with some great resources and information to help!