At Ease
Enjoying the freedom you fought for -- A Soldier's story and perspectives on the journey to an encore life and career
Author: Rob Campbell, Copyright @ 2020
For all who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, there will come a day when it's time to separate -- to "retire" or otherwise hang up your uniform, and to transition to a civilian world you may know little about (despite having spent decades fighting to protect its freedoms and liberties). When it's time for you to walk away proudly, DD-214 in hand, you may find yourself unprepared and overwhelmed. If you're like most senior servicemembers, you'll find that the transition to your encore life and career is a transition you have given insufficient thought to. You've been busy leading and giving selflessly to your unit and your mission; it was your only focus and your sole concern. So now what?
Join Colonel Rob Campbell, United States Army, Retired, on a journey to post-military life -- the ups and downs, the sleepless nights and complex decision-making, and the arduous weighing of the "what ifs" and choices before you. At Ease: Enjoying the Freedom You Fought For is a servicemember's guide to an authentic transition. This remarkable book is part memoir, part "how to" guide to help senior servicemembers explore the nuances of the military/civilian transition.
Hear Rob discuss, candidly and vulnerably, everything from what surprised him about the "big, hard civilian world" and the challenges of "the job swamp" to the role of spouses and children on the transition decision and how to celebrate your service before putting it behind you. Learn how to reapply your values (like duty, commitment and selfless service) in new ways and to a new mission. Discover a new compass for your life and career, where job passion and geography (i.e., "What do I WANT to do and where do I really WANT to live?") point the way, and where seeking the next rank or finishing an assignment or deployment are no longer the guideposts for living.
If you're looking to find income, fulfillment, relevance and a comfortable lifestyle in the wake of your military service, this book is a must-read.
Barracks to Boardrooms
Negotiating your salary after serving in the military
Author: Byron Chen, Copyright @ 2016
People lose out on thousands of dollars every year because they don’t think they have the leverage to negotiate their salaries. But YOU can learn the skills, strategies, and scripts to negotiate without fear, prove your value to your employer, and get paid what you're worth.
“Not negotiating can be more costly than you think…a 25-year-old who negotiated a starting salary…will earn $634,000 more than a non-negotiator [in their lifetime].” - Who Asks and Who Receives in Salary Negotiation
In reality, companies are more ready than ever to attract and hold on to talent. But only if their employees ASK FOR IT. Yet, most people still treat negotiation as some long lost secretive art that they will never have the ability to do. Byron Chen has taken his experiences consulting with veterans on career transitions after the military to put together the definitive guide on conducting your own salary negotiation. Barracks To Boardrooms provides the how-to knowledge developed from real world scenarios, hard lessons learned, and contemporary research.
- Ever wonder why some people get paid more, even when they do the same work as you?
- How do you negotiate without losing the offer?
- Can you make demands without negatively affecting your relationship with your company?
- What’s a reasonable counter offer to make in a negotiation?
- What tactics are employers using to keep your salary low?
All of these concerns are covered in the book, along with a systematic process that includes strategies, scripts, and tactics you can use in any situation. Take control of your career and negotiate the way other professionals do to be compensated at top of the industry rates. You owe it to yourself. Get over your fears, overcome your doubts, and learn the skills you need to get paid what you deserve.
Boots to Loafers
Finding your new true north
Author: John Phillips, Copyright @ 2013
Every military service member will experience three phases as he moves from a military career to a life outside the gate: transition, transformation, and integration. The foundation of "Boots" is built upon these three concepts. They provide the structure for the advice and guidelines I want to convey to you. You may experience each of these to different degrees depending on your wishes, circumstances, goals, and surrounding environment. These three stages will vary from individual to individual, and they will be shaped by one’s attitude and inner strength as well as his ability to manage the hurdles of life.
From the first day you set foot into boot camp, no matter what service you have been in, until the final days of predeployment training exercises or redeployment, you are taught to always pay attention to every detail in every situation. Our military knows how to turn you on and get you fired up for a mission. Transitioning out of boots will require the same focus on details and the energy to get fired up for your next mission, getting a job.
More than a decade of war in God knows where in the world and many of America’s treasure, our young men and women, will come home and be lost when it comes to preparing for their next fight—finding a job! Many will leave the military voluntarily; more than 1.5 million will leave in the next 5-years. Boots gives them a helping hand, a guide, their new field manual that I never had when I retired from the US Army and entered corporate America. Let me help them find their new true north.
B.R.A.N.D. Before You Resumé
Your marketing guide for veterans & military service members entering civilian life
Author: Graciela Tiscareño-Sato, Copyright @ 2020
B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé is the first book written by a military veteran (turned marketing professional and entrepreneur) for service members and military veterans to craft their AUTHENTIC personal branding.
Student veterans, military spouses, veterans in their first, second, or third career transitions will all learn valuable self-marketing skills, guided by a veteran who knows the transition chaos (and success!) firsthand. This book is essential if you’re joining the ranks of veterans choosing the entrepreneurship track, if seeking your first career after leaving the active-duty force, or pursuing your first internship or full-time job after completing your degree as a student veteran.
Readers will complete the “extracting product attributes” exercise, see ample examples of great branding created by veterans Graciela has personally coached, and be able to write their own authentic personal branding to influence their intended target audience. Graciela teaches the reader a repeatable marketing messaging process that will be useful for years to come.
Those who wish to collaborate live with Graciela who will coach them to perfecting their branding and/or discussing their business startup idea will be offered the option to do so.
In this marketing guidebook, Graciela guides you in becoming an epic storyteller of your unique value, long before you write your resumé which she reminds us all is a marketing deliverable. Taking this approach as she did during her career transitions means that your audience for your new forward-looking branding will be so intrigued by your value that they’ll ASK for your resumé!
You’ll be empowered to confidently communicate your value to make things happen, as Graciela did during her transformation from military aviator to technology marketing manager. Graciela freely shares the communication process she followed during her highly successful military-to-civilian transition, in which she was mentored by women veterans every step of the way.
Stop going at it alone.
And most importantly, stop listening to those pushing you into writing your resumé (or worse yet your LinkedIn profile) before you’ve done the essential work to understand your personal values and interests, your value to civilian organizations and the target audience you need to attract.
Learn to B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé with a marketing-savvy fellow veteran at your side.
Business Networking for Veterans, 2nd Edition
A guidebook for a successful military transition into the civilian workforce
Authors: Mike Abrams, Michael Lawrence Faulkner and Andrea Nierenberg, Copyright @ 2013
Your military skills and experience will be invaluable to you in civilian life. But your successful transition won't just happen. You need a network of people who can help you decide where you want to go and then help you get there.
Don’t know how to build that network? No problem: Business Networking for Veterans will help you. Not comfortable drawing attention to yourself? Don't worry: networking is about service, not showing off. And service is something you've already mastered.
Authored by two former U.S. Marines and a world-renowned business consultant, Business Networking for Veterans will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. From start to finish, it focuses on the unique challenges you face as a transitioning veteran and the unique skills and resources you bring to the table.
You've already proven yourself as a leader in service to your country. This book will help you do it as a civilian, too.
- Why networking is even more important for transitioning veterans: Employers won't just hire you, because they may not understand you
- How to network well even if you're not comfortable doing it: Not a natural talker? Use your powerful listening skills
- How to use online social networks to support your in-person networking: Magnify your impact with LinkedIn, Facebook, and other online services
- Where to start today: A complete plan that starts with the network you already have
Find a Federal Job
Apply with confidence and write a winning resume
Author: Jaime Chapman, Copyright @ 2018
A quick and easy guide to find a federal job.
Discover proven secrets and get a job.
In this book:
Skip the frustration and apply successfully on USAJOBS. Learn about the federal hiring process and Federal resume writing techniques. Qualify for the job you want, interview to win and get the salary you deserve.
Heroes Get Hired
How to use your military experience to master the interview (FREE)
Author: Michelle Tillis Lederman, Copyright @ 2012
Going back to work after being in the military can be a daunting yet rewarding experience. As a veteran re-entering the workforce or looking to change jobs, you may face a unique set of challenges as you become accustomed to civilian situations, expectations, and demands. Your recent experiences may be very different from those of the average civilian candidate. This is part of your advantage and what sets you apart from other candidates, but it also can contribute to these unique challenges.
As you go through the job-interview process, you may need to learn to align yourself with new protocols, environments, and codes of behavior. You may also be learning to adapt to civilian life with certain physical or invisible difficulties, such as hearing loss, that are the result of your military service.
In Heroes Get Hired: How to Use Your Military Experience to Master the Interview, author Michelle Tillis Lederman addresses the particular issues, questions, fears, and mental roadblocks that you as a veteran may encounter as you re-enter the civilian workforce, and how you can overcome these challenges to acquire the skills you need to excel at the interview process. Featuring contributions from IAVA and MSCCN, this free book sheds light on the specific strengths and competitive advantages that you as a veteran bring to the civilian workforce, and how you can make sure to communicate these qualities to a recruiter or potential employer.
Jobs and the Military Spouse, 2nd Edition
Married, mobile, and motivated for employment

Author: Janet I. Farley, Copyright @ 2003
This book reveals the secrets of job search success for military spouses, who face special career challenges because of their mobility.
Jobseekers Guide
Ten steps to a federal job for military personnel and spouses, 8th Ed
Author: Kathryn Troutman, Copyright @ 2017
The Jobseeker's Guide is the resource guide used at more than 150 military bases worldwide to teach Kathryn Troutman's highly acclaimed Ten Steps to a Federal Job to military personnel and family members.
This title is recognized as the leading guide on the topic for 100,000 military spouses worldwide. The new edition continues to use a colorful workbook style loaded with pages of exercises, samples, and charts throughout and is particularly effective for class training. This military / family-friendly publication contains:
- Fully updated information on special hiring programs for military members and spouses
- Updates with the latest federal hiring changes and initiatives
- Latest salary and online builder information
- Before and after resume samples
Military in the Rearview Mirror
Mental health and wellness in post-military life
Author: Duane K. L. France, LPC, Copyright @ 2019
When a service member leaves the military, they are leaving a unique way of life. Whether it’s the early mornings, the time away from family, or simply the connection to other service members, the daily life of someone who served in the military is not common to those who never served. By any definition of culture, the military is a separate sub-culture: it has its own way of dress, of transmitting information from one generation to another, its own unique characteristics that define the lifestyle. Leaving that culture can be challenging. This book is the third compilation of articles written by Duane France, a retired Army Noncommissioned Officer, combat veteran, and clinical mental health counselor. With his blend of lived experience and clinical training, this book explores the need to undergo a psychological transition from one phase of life to another. Whether a service member is carrying the impact of past experiences, currently undergoing transition and change, or are trying to establish who they will become, Military in the Rear View Mirror can help service members, veterans, their families, and those who support them understand more about the military mindset.
Military to Federal Career Guide, 2nd Edition
Federal resume writing for veterans
Author: Kathryn Troutman, Copyright @ 2010
President Obama has created an Executive Order to help veterans start a career in the federal government. The President s Initiative on Employment for Veterans will make a difference for veterans transitioning to the federal government. BUT ... Veterans STILL need a federal resume that will get them at least minimally qualified, and hopefully best qualified. Write a stellar federal resume and get hired into best jobs in America and throughout the world. Get critical resume tips on: how to add keywords to match your federal resume to a particular vacancy announcement; highlighting your accomplishments so that federal human resources specialists will notice them; and interpreting important sections of the vacancy announcement, such as HOW TO APPLY instructions. Includes short, easy-to-read, samples of Military to Federal Resumes in the Outline Format for USAJOBS, CPOL, DONHR, AVUE, Talentlink, and other federal resume builders.
Mission Entrepreneur
Applying lessons from military life to create success in business startups
Author: Jen Griswold, Copyright @ 2017
Women entrepreneurs - Career military? Leaving the military for civilian life? Either way, you can leverage your experience into some great new business startup ideas.
Business success: Are you ready to leverage your experiences into great new opportunities? Help is on the way. Jen Griswold, veteran, CEO, and mentor to over 9,000 entrepreneurs, shares her journey that led to over $20M in annual sales. Whether you are a professional looking to hone your business skills, thinking of launching a new career or side gig, or maybe you are ready to turn your hobby into a profit, this book is for you! Mission Entrepreneur will get you ready to launch your journey towards startup success.
Are you trying to find your niche in our modern world? Navigating how to launch a new business in our mobile and busy lives is a challenge. Fortunately, lessons from military life can help you launch your next great startup, build wealth, and find happiness. In fact, some of the best startup ideas are yet to be discovered. Jen shares her journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur while managing responsibilities as a mom, wife, and veteran. Now, Mission Entrepreneur offers five easy startup ideas and guides you on your journey towards startup and business success!
The underemployment problem: As both a spouse and a veteran for 20 years, Jen witnessed countless men and women struggle to keep their careers afloat while managing a family, relocations, and the demands of a busy life. Now, Mission Entrepreneur shares inspiration, resources, and the tools you need to take control of your situation.
Female entrepreneurs: Female entrepreneurship saw the biggest increase in the past 20 years. What’s more…4 out of every 10 new entrepreneurs are women (and the growth of female billionaires is outpacing that of male billionaires)! What’s stopping you? Using a lifetime of experience and lessons from military life, Jen inspires women to manage the bumpy journey to become successful entrepreneurs and shares tips to get started. Whether you are a mom, spouse, CEO….Women know what they want and they’re going for it! You can too!
Mission Entrepreneur: From her extensive training in the Air Force and experience coaching women over the past several years, Griswold discovered that by giving back to her military community, she could change the world a little bit every day. America needs more men and women entrepreneurs who pay it forward and here is where we’ll start. Welcome to Mission Entrepreneur.
Mommy Retailing
A mom's guide to starting a boutique
Author: Lakesha Cole, Copyright @ 2017
When military life gives you lemons (or orders), make lemonade (or build a brand). Written by Lakesha Cole, mom, Marine spouse and shop owner of She Swank Too, this beginner's guide brings Lakesha's earnest approach and genuine love for boutique retail and her unwavering grit and determination to build a brand and business despite the frequent moves and career pitfalls associated with the military lifestyle. Being a mom is a full-time job, and starting a business is no easy task. Lakesha is here to teach you how she did both, between drop-off and pick-up, as a mom of three, while moving back and forth across the country and overseas. If you've ever considered opening a boutique but don't know where to start, Mommy Retailing: A Mom's Guide to Starting A Boutique is perfect for you. This book is packed with practical solutions on balancing work time and mom time and actionable tips about all the aspects of starting your own retail store. Details business planning and day-to-day operations on running a boutique, how to fund your business, where and how to source merchandise, branding, and marketing, how to pick a location, planning a grand opening and how to use your business to give back and create goodwill in the community.
Out of Uniform
Your guide to a successful military-to-civilian career transition
Author: Thomas Wolfe, Copyright @ 2011
After completing military service, veterans can have a difficult time finding employment upon returning to civilian life. Out of Uniform is designed to help all transitioning military personnel, regardless of service, branch, rank, rating, time in service, time in grade, or specialty. Although all service members share many common denominators, each individual brings something unique to the job market. The parameters of the search may vary, but the target is the same―land the right job the first time. The information in this book will enhance the odds of hitting that target.This book is divided into eight sections, covering matters in roughly the same order that they occur in the military-to-civilian transition process. Another useful feature is the KeyWord Index, which allows the reader to locate specific information throughout the book, regardless of the part or chapter. In addition to all of the technical guidance, readers will also discover important information in the anecdotes based on actual experiences of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Out of Uniform is an invaluable resource for veterans who want to make the most out of their civilian career opportunities.
PCS to Corporate America, 4th Edition
From military tactics to corporate interviewing strategy
Author Roger Cameron, Copyright @ 2013
PCS to Corporate America: From Military Tactics to Corporate Interviewing Strategy is both a workbook and a reference book for any junior military officer who is considering a permanent change of station (PCS) to the business world. Written by Roger Cameron, a leading authority on preparing JMOs for a successful transition to corporate America and the cofounder of the recruiting firm Cameron-Brooks Inc., this best-selling resource guides candidates through each stage of the job search—from making an application to accepting an offer, with emphasis on mission-critical preparation for the initial and follow-up interviews.
Cameron discusses the wide array of questions you can expect in an interview and gives readers the tools and techniques to develop excellent responses based on a self-assessment of your abilities and accomplishments. Most importantly, he provides confidence-building exercises to help you understand the value of your military experience in a corporate setting.
The author also offers ideas for adapting individual’s unique military background to a company’s culture and requirements. In addition to a reading list that provides a sound knowledge of basic business concepts, the book contains a wealth of practical tips for writing an effective resume, dressing appropriately, establishing rapport with the recruiter, conveying problem-solving and leadership skills, and much more—while avoiding the many pitfalls that can result in a negative impression.
This edition of PCS to Corporate America, written with the assistance of Cameron-Brooks team members Chuck Alvarez and Joel Junker, has been updated to reflect the current business and military environments. The advice in these pages will not only prepare you for a new future in corporate America but also foster your professional growth as you advance in your business career.
Remote Work for Military Spouses
Find and grow your meaningful mobile career
Author: Laura Briggs, Copyright @ 2022
If you are a military spouse considering remote work, this practical guide is for you! You’ll find strategies and advice to help you define your remote work goals, land the right job, handle stress, and grow your career!
While there are many rewards in military life, maintaining meaningful employment can be challenging when you’re constantly relocating for your service member’s next assignment. Military spouses often experience interruptions in valuable work experience, missed advancement opportunities, state-to-state re-certifications, and what seems like a never-ending job search. Remote work has many benefits for military spouses and employers!
In Remote Work for Military Spouses, military spouse author Laura Briggs offers a road map for military spouses looking for career continuity, financial stability, and fulfilling work amidst a mobile military lifestyle.
Strategies and tips in this ultimate guide include:
- Deciding if remote work is the right fit
- How and where to search for remote positions
- Adjusting application materials to reframe resume gaps and military affiliation
Start Your Own Business and Hire Yourself
Insider tips for successful self-employment in any economy
Author: Suzanne Caplan, Copyright @ 2009
Solid advice on all aspects of starting a business, from writing the business plan, to finding customers, to managing costs and turning a profit.
Step Out, Step Up
Lessons from a lifetime of transitions and military service
Authors: Mark Green and Echo Montgomery Garrett, Copyright @ 2017
A must-read book for anyone who has endured trauma yet dreams of leading a successful and happy life.
Mark E. Green, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army (retired), came from grinding poverty in rural Missouri, the oldest boy of six children. In this moving memoir, he candidly shares his unlikely path of working his way up from an enlisted man to an officer. Green served his country for thirty-four years (twenty-four in active duty). He was a member of the 82nd Airborne and "Soldier of the Year" for his battalion, as well as a pioneering member of the Army's taekwondo team that went on to be recognized as the All Army Sports team that competes for the Olympics. Green served two tours as an Inspector General, including a yearlong deployment to Afghanistan, where he was responsible for that role in the southern half of the country.
After sustaining a potentially career-ending hip injury in his last month of deployment, Green fought his way back to full health, battling daily through an arduous recovery as he learned to walk again. Green is dedicating the remainder of his life to inspiring hope, helping smooth transition, and improving resilience for his military brothers and sisters, veterans, and their families. He resides in Orlando, Florida, with his wife, Denise, son Adam, and Green's mother ( Echo Montgomery Garrett ( is a multi-award-winning author based in Marietta, Georgia. The authors are donating 10 percent of net profits from book sales to nonprofits serving veterans and their families, young people in poverty, and soldier-athletes.
The Empowered Veteran
Strength and confidence to harness your future
Author: Dwayne Paro, Copyright @ 2017
More than 200,00 service members transition out of the military each year after selflessly dedicating years of service to our country. The Empowered Veteran assesses the core strengths of military training and leadership that equip veterans to build amazingly successful civilian careers and give them an edge in a highly competitive corporate environment. It teaches the reader how to plan for a successful transition from the military and prepare for an empowering future. And it offers a roadmap to an effective execution of the plan and a personal investment that will develop ongoing opportunities for life.
The Prior-Service Entrepreneur
The fundamentals of veteran entrepreneurship
Author: Michael Kaplan, Copyright @ 2014
If you’re a hardworking wage earner trying to succeed, your financial future looks scary. The same government policies that are preventing our economic recovery are also devaluing every dollar you earn. Technology is ushering in a new era of unemployment, potentially causing thousands of production and administrative jobs to be lost. Additionally, your taxes are being raised to support national social welfare programs at a time when your cost of living is rising steadily.
Don’t get frustrated, don’t get discouraged and most certainly … don’t give up. There’s an answer to your financial problems to which you have immediate access, and it lies within your “Entrepreneurial DNA.” It knows you want to succeed, enjoy a prosperous life and secure an independent future for those you care about most.
In this highly inspirational book, Kaplan uses a unique approach that combines optimal mindset with experiential leadership to provide you with the greatest opportunity for success. His 30 years of successful military and business experience lays a solid foundation to provide exacting strategies for both personal and professional development. He offers an in-depth approach to taking control of your life and successfully reach the goals you set for yourself despite any obstacles you believe stand in your way.
The Prior-Service Entrepreneur is MUCH more than a book for starting a business; it provides valuable insights into life skills, job readiness and mastering your competitive advantage. It will show you how to overcome personal challenges, increase confidence and reinvigorate your passion and sense of purpose. When you follow Michael Kaplan’s easy to read advice you will be prepared to achieve success, enjoy financial independence and change your life forever.
Your new future starts today! Claim it … it’s yours.
U.S. Veterans in the Workforce
Why the 7 percent are America's greatest assets
Author: Michael Schindler, Copyright @ 2016
Navy veteran Mike Schindler, Founder and CEO of Operation Military Family, tells the stories of our returning heroes so that we might gain a true understanding of life for returning vets and their families. While addressing some of the hardships of returning vets, Schindler also reveals another side of America's heroes―the side that celebrates the triumphs and hirable qualities offered by our veterans including:
- The Willingness to Do More
U.S. Veterans in the Workforce sheds light on the American heroes who come home to new heroic endeavors―the ones that make America worth fighting for.
Warrior to Patriot Citizen
Transition your military service and skills to your new civilian adventure
Authors: Donna Hoffmeyer and Kevin Cullis, Copyright @ 2017
Are you ready? You’ve served our country and served it well. Thank you! Now is YOUR time. Whether you reached retirement, are medically retiring or have decided to separate; your time has come. You have decided it is time to move on to the next adventure. However, have you set yourself up in a way that will allow you do pursue your passion? Do you even know what you want to do after you leave the service? How do you translate those well-developed skills into terminology civilians will understand? This book is here to help.
Your Next Mission
A personal branding guide for the military-to-civilian transition
Author: Lida D. Citroen, Copyright @ 2014
Your Next Mission: A personal branding guide for the military-to-civilian transition, is a powerful new employment resource available for the millions of veterans currently or soon-to-be transitioned into the civilian sector. This book specifically addresses the gap in current tools available for the military-to-civilian transition challenge by providing a clear, compassionate, and compelling guide to building a unique personal brand, evaluating career options based on individual values, and providing clarity in the job search process for veterans. With interviews from key executives from America’s leading companies, transitioned veterans and veteran advocates,
Your Next Mission provides insight, tools, confidence, and competitive advantage for the veterans’ next chapter in their lives. Author Lida Citroën offers numerous exercises, examples and scenarios for veterans to learn to promote their value on social networking; through in person networking, image and body language; and in the development of their core messages, including their elevator pitch.