Therapeutic farming, gardening and beekeeping programs for military veterans
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Armed to Farm (Nationwide)
Armed to Farm has supported more than 800 veterans with hands-on and classroom learning opportunities for sustainable agriculture since launching in 2013. Farmer veterans learn how to run a successful business and market their products, how to access USDA resources, set business goals, and develop meaningful mentorships with seasoned farmers.
Farmer veterans who complete a training series stay connected to their peers and often develop ties to other farmers, increasing their ability to succeed. These farmer veterans have access to individualized technical assistance and one-on-one consultations, in-person networking events and virtual learning opportunities through the National Center for Appropriate Technology.
Beekeeping for Veterans
Beekeeping For Veterans is a non-for profit organization dedicated to helping veterans deal with PTSD. We are made up of experienced beekeepers and certified mindfulness coaches. Together we believe we can make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families and have a positive effect on the environment.
We are currently based in Canada and are looking forward to offering our program in America spring of 2022.
Bees 4 Vets (Washoe Valley, NV)
Our mission is to assist military veterans impacted by PTSD or TBI who are trying to transition back into the general workforce through vocational beekeeping experiences in the local community; combining outdoor activity, education and community outreach to create an environment of support and training where veterans can develop the interest and skills necessary to participate in beekeeping as a vocation or hobby.
Beekeeping can be very satisfying for those suffering from PTSD or TBI. Beekeeping has been known to be a good vocation or hobby for disabled veterans since at least the end of World War I.
Bee Veterans (St. Paul, MN)
Bee Veterans was founded in honor of veteran and beekeeper Michael Roche. His strong belief in the therapeutic benefits of beekeeping for returning Veterans inspires us to provide the materials and training necessary to make beekeeping an integral part of Veterans’ lives. The Bee Veterans program is a partnership of the UMN Bee Squad and the Metropolitan Airports Commission. The Bee Veterans Apiary is located at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.
Bee Veterans functions as free beekeeping workshops for veterans. Participants will be provided with protective clothing and tools, and will work with UMN Bee Squad beekeepers to learn about bees and to try their hands at working in the hives.
Boots to Bushels (Rhode Island, Maine)
A New England market garden training for beginner farmers, military veterans and their family members -- The University of Rhode Island Boots to Bushel (URI B2B) is a comprehensive 9 – month market garden training program for beginning farmers, military veterans, and their family members.
Brothers in Bees
We are a cause-based organization with a mission to provide a reflective and rewarding experience for U.S. veterans through beekeeping and to spread awareness of the impact of honey bees on local communities and the world.
Creative Arts for Vets (Indiana University Bloomington)
Creative Arts for Vets (CAV) aims to support veterans, service members, and military-connected populations of all ages and abilities through the arts and arts-based approaches that promote connectedness and improve mental health and wellbeing. Evidence-based research shows that arts-based wellness, equine assisted activities, yoga, and tai chi can improve mindfulness, and reduce negative feelings associated with stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. Creative Arts for Vets collaborates with veterans, service members, military-connected populations, community organizations, and the Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs to develop unique experiences that fit the needs and interests present in specific communities. All of our events are free, and we travel anywhere in the state of Indiana and beyond. With our events, veterans and service members are always encouraged to bring a plus one—a spouse, a friend, or an adult family member.
Art + Farm is a combination of arts-based wellness accompanied with Shetland sheep and lamb-assisted activities on a beautiful 150-acre farm. Sheep and lamb interaction creates wonder, joy, and intentionality. Art, such as needle felting, will be combined with the sheep experience as a way to reflect and capture the beauty of nature. This event will take place in southwest Monroe County at Marble Hill Farm.
F.A.R.M. - Farmers Assisting Returning Veterans
F.A.R.M. is a nonprofit organization established to assist veterans transition from military service to civilian life. We believe in a multi-faceted therapeutic approach: agricultural therapy, recreational therapy, and professional medical treatment.
Farmer Veteran Coalition
The mission of Farmer Veteran Coalition is mobilizing veterans to feed America.
We cultivate a new generation of farmers and food leaders, and develop viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities. We believe that veterans possess the unique skills and character needed to strengthen rural communities and create sustainable food systems. We believe that agriculture offers purpose, opportunity, and physical and psychological benefits.
Homegrown by Heroes is the official farmer veteran branding program of America, administered nationally by FVC. It certifies ranchers, farmers, and fisherman of all military eras to sell their product as veteran owned and produced. The label informs consumers that agricultural products donning the logo were produced by U.S. military veterans, and it allows veterans to differentiate their farm and ranch products in the marketplace.
Freedom Farm for Vets (Wadsworth, IL)
Freedom Farm for Vets is a safe place to go any time a veteran needs a break from the daily stresses of life. All vets and members of their family are welcome. Here we don’t use words like “handicapped” or “challenged”. The farm is about vets helping vets, the farm feeding the hungry in our community, and in time experiencing the rewards of another kind of service.
If you or someone you know is a veteran, give us a try. This is a special place. We are grateful for your service and we’re here if you need us.
Growing Veterans (Mount Vernon, WA)
Using the farm as the catalyst, we provide opportunities for veterans to engage in peer-support and engage with the broader community.
Heroes to Hives (East Lansing, MI)
Heroes to Hives is a unique program through Michigan State University Extension that seeks to address financial and personal wellness of veterans through professional training and community development centered around beekeeping. Veterans leave our program with a broad depth of beekeeping knowledge, as well as personal and professional relationships that open up new opportunities and ensure long-term peer support.
Hiatus Ranch (Shoshone, ID)
Our mission is to restore the mental, physical, emotional health and vitality of veterans, active duty, first responders, rescue horses, and animals in a tranquil, structured environment while providing housing, meals, optional mental health services, financial management as a part of a rehabilitation program.
We offer animal husbandry education and management as a unique tool for connections with the many rescue animals here on the ranch. The daily care, nutrition, and over all ability to connect with one of these amazing creatures is life changing.
Hives for Heroes
Hives for Heroes® is a national non-profit service organization focusing on honey bee conservation and providing a healthy transition from service. Through our national network of beekeepers we provide connection, purpose, and healthy relationships, through access, resources, and funding for military, veterans, and first responders.
At Hives for Heroes, we lead the way in both conservation and the transition from military and first responder service. Our vision is to empower our nations heroes with the skills and knowledge to become proficient beekeepers while contributing to the preservation of the planet's most essential pollinators. Through this mission, we seek to build a community that honors and supports our heroes, fostering a sense of purpose, pride, and belonging as they transition to civilian life.
S.A.V.E. (Servicemember Agricultural Vocation Education)Farm (Manhattan, KS)
Our mission is to provide a training farm with an adjacent clinic, assist servicemembers and veterans to transition, to find purpose and meaning in life and enable them to learn valuable vocational skills to meet the demand for agricultural ownership, employment, or other advanced schooling. Facilitate healing for those in need and place those trained on working farms.
A gap exists between the need for new farmers in our country and a large potential population of new farmers that exists within our veteran and transitioning servicemember populations. The average age of farmers in the U.S. is approaching 60 with 40% over 65. Sixty-three percent (63%) of our farms may be in the last generation. Therefore succession planning is critical in the country's farming future.
2.3 million veterans and transitioning servicemembers are looking for a meaningful way to live life. A high percentage of them indicate an interest in farming. Therefore, a tremendous opportunity exists.
To bridge the gap, a pathway to farming for our veterans and servicemembers is needed.
Servicemember Agricultural Vocation Education, or S.A.V.E farm, will bridge the gap providing a home-like training center where they can learn to farm and heal as they are brought into the culture of agriculture.
Upon completion of training, transitioning servicemembers and veterans will be matched with mentor farmers with the potential to work on, manage or own a farm.
Tender Love & Care (TLC) Veterans Outreach (Georgia, Alabama)
Tender Love & Care Veterans Outreach established services to prevent homelessness, by providing a means to obtaining benefits and compensation for veterans, widows, and orphans of deceased veterans. Our goal is to reduce the number of homeless veterans living on the streets without benefits.
THERAPEUTIC FARMING -- Our Therapeutic Farm is a safe place for healing for homeless and wounded veterans. This includes veterans suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and military sexual trauma. Our farm project will consist of twenty tiny houses for homeless women veterans.
The farm will produce vegetables to sell at farmers markets in various locations. The project will have on-site training for life-skills, culinary for healthy lifestyles, a resale store, beginning farming and business infrastructure development.
Urban Ark Conversation (Effort, PA)
Urban Ark Conservation is a young non-profit 501(c)3 organization founded and operated by an Army veteran. Our mission is centered around wildlife preservation of various endangered species of herpetofauna, and the conservation of endangered breeds of livestock.
Our goal is to create an entirely sustainable homestead on our 11 acre property in Pennsylvania. This facility will be utilized to educate and train sustainability practices as well as hold workshops for veterans suffering from PTSD. Construction on our aquaponics greenhouse is underway, and we hope to be able to provide organic, non gmo, and pesticide free foods soon! We will also be working closely with the Livestock Conservancy, and our chosen heritage stock will be carefully monitored and controlled, keeping our animals healthy, genetically diverse, and maintained in pastured areas on non gmo diets.
Education, and sustainability are key to the conservation of species, natural habitats, and fragile ecosystems.
Valor Honey
Valor Honey is a Section 501c3 charitable, educational not for profit corporation. All profits go to support our nation’s veterans and transitioning military.
Our Valor brand proudly and respectfully salutes American military veterans. Decorated veterans, who are themselves skilled beekeepers, founded our company and remain Valor’s leadership cornerstone.
Valor Honey offers training and healing opportunities and hands on and online courses.
Veteran Gardens (Springfield, MO)
Veteran Gardens is an organization dedicated towards connecting families with information on volunteerism, education, health/wellness, nutrition, financial guidance, & faith. We are located in Springfield, Missouri
Veterans Healing Farm (Hendersonville, NC)
We exist to serve veterans by offering workshops on innovative farming techniques and foster a thriving micro-community of veterans and civilians who build deep friendships and cultivate emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Additionally, we support our nation's veterans by growing and donating high-quality fruits, vegetables, and flower bouquets to veterans and their caregivers free of charge.
VetREST seeks to establish for profit organic farms for each chapter. Each farm will house veterans recovering from PTS, teach them how to farm and for those who desire, help them one day own and operate their own farm. This not only helps our veterans but also our nation!
Victory Farmers (Olympia, WA)
The Victory Farmers offer opportunities for veterans to transform their mission to one that cultivates life, while nourishing our families, our peers, and those in need.
We empower veterans, active duty service members and their families to establish strong roots in community through continued service, peer-to-peer support, and a deeper connection with the natural world.
Together, we are welcoming veterans home, growing good food and building community.
West Virginia Dept. of Agriculture - Veterans & Heroes to Agriculture (West Virginia)
The Veterans & Heroes to Agriculture program is dedicated to the integration and support of veterans entering or currently working in agriculture to benefit their health and welfare, as well as the state’s agricultural economy. Through invaluable partnerships with agencies, organizations, and farmers across the state, members receive opportunities for education, training, scholarships, and mentorship spanning various topic and skill levels. The program also seeks to further promote the development of agricultural industries, products, and marketing opportunities across the state.