A Family's Guide to the Military for Dummies
Authors: Sheryl Garrett, Sue Hoppin, Copyright @ 2008
Learn to:
- Understand all aspects of military life
- Manage your family's finances
- Cope with deployment and relocation
- Take advantage of available benefits
A Family's Guide to the Military For Dummies is for the millions of military dependents, family members, and friends who are looking for straightforward guidance to take advantage of the benefits and overcome the challenges unique to life in the military. This comprehensive guide covers such key topics as introducing military life to readers new to the armed forces, financial planning, relocation, deployment, raising kids alone while a partner is away, and taking advantage of the available benefits. It offers tips and advice for dealing with emotions that surround events like deployments, deciphering the acronyms used in daily military life, forming support groups, keeping track of a loved one's whereabouts, and surviving on a military base in a foreign country.
Air Force 101 Back-To-Basics Spouse Support Guide 2012
A back-to-basics guide for Air Force spouses
Welcome to the Air Force Family! This guide is designed to provide you with enough information to know what questions to ask... and, who to ask to fully understand the answers!
Basics from the Barracks: Military Etiquette and Protocol
A spouse's quick reference to its unique customs, courtesies, and traditions
Basics from the Barracks - Military Etiquette and Protocol, a comprehensive resource to assist fellow military families with information relating to our military, national, and international etiquette and protocol.
Deployed Fathers and Families Guide
Deployment guide for military personnel
Published by the National Father Initiative
Used by all branches of the armed forces, this practical guide is filled with helpful tips, exercises, and strategies to help military fathers and their families prepare for and successfully navigate deployment challenges.
The Deployed Fathers and Families™ Guide addresses several important topics, including money matters, legal issues, medical concerns, and staying connected during deployment. Increase military family readiness with this essential guide.
Encouragement for America's Hidden Heroes
Survival tactics for the families of our military forces
Author: Amy Stevens, Copyright @ 2004
The survival guide was written to honor, guide, and connect with military families who are currently serving their country; by supporting their servicemember. There are many books on how to navigate the military bases, proper etiquette, rank issues, and how to move your family every few years, but very few with practical advice for a combat deployment separation.
Amy Stevens shares her experiences while creating a great sense of pride in the military family. With a firm belief that she is serving her country as a military wife. Amy Stevens shares methods for improving relationships and dealing with the emotions that surround a deployment.
Everyone Serves
A handbook for family & friends of service members during pre-deployment, deployment and reintegration
Blue Star Families, Copyright @ 2013
This handbook has been designed to address a subject that’s not discussed enough: the full spectrum of emotions that accompany a military deployment life cycle. That means not just looking at post-deployment reintegration but also examining other parts of the equation: pre-deployment, deployment, and reunion periods.
This FREE guide helps you:
- Prepare for and manage reunion
Includes video, checklists and resources
Everything About ME (Military Personnel and Families Edition)
A guide for my future caregivers
Author: Dee Marrella, Copyright @ 2011
With the huge numbers of American soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with injuries requiring long-term care -- possibly life-long care, this book (print and electronic versions) provides individuals and their families with a way to create a true tool that can be used by any caregiver who ever works with this person. Since family members might not always be available to be the caregiver in a veterans life, this guide will provide even a total caring stranger with a lifetime of knowledge, information and guidance on what the individual desires in the way of caregiving. This book, when completed, will tell all who use it every important fact about them: how "I" feel about life support, my favorite foods, the TV programs I dislike, how I'd like to have my obituary read, and my funeral conducted. When the time comes that a once vibrant individual required round-the-clock caregiving, and may not have a "voice" left o speak with -- this book can be that "voice" tell all who use it everything you want known.
Finding Joy
The year apart that made me a better wife
Author: Hope Griffin, Copyright @ 2015
As a military spouse and mother (with one of her children being a young cancer survivor), Hope has faced some long, lonely nights questioning God's faithfulness and the strength of her marriage. If you've ever found yourself in a long-distance marriage and wondered if it was possible not only to survive but also to thrive, then this book is for you. Hope invites you-through personal experience, examples of others in history, and Scripture-to explore the possibility of a stronger more fulfilling marriage. Together we are stronger. Together we can overcome any obstacle. You don't have to do it alone.
God + Military Spouse
United our families will stand
Author: Kathleen Cline, Copyright @ 2008
When the Iraq war first broke out there was ramped support for the military but as time went on personal support dwindled. Yet given the extended tour of duty, support became increasingly necessary to help women and their children get through long deployments and absences of husbands and fathers. As the wife of a Navy man, Kathleen Cline discovered that while there are many helpful books for women, there were none specifically for military wives and the particular challenges they face. During her overseas tour she also learned the importance of the Naval Chapel and the support it gives to military families. At the last three duty stations she volunteered at the Naval Chapel, teaching children church, leading womans Bible study and helping to organize VBS. Now, due to the war, the Naval Chapels focus must be on the active duty member which has left a gap of Biblical education for the family members. God + Military Spouse is the result of this need, and Kathleen Cline is qualified to offer it. From predeployment anxiety, to loneliness, depression and even temptation, God + Military Spouse is the support group manual for military wives and study groups who are serious about preserving the treasure of marriage and family.
Heroes at Home
Help and hope for America's military families
Author: Ellie Kay, Copyright @ 2012
Heroes at Home: Help and Hope for America's Military Families is an essential guide for military families and those who want to support military families.
Military families, whether active duty, reserve, or National Guard, have a champion in Ellie Kay. In this revised edition of Heroes at Home she continues to inspire and encourage the families left behind during dangerous missions, long hours, and even longer deployments. Always practical, Ellie helps those serving their country stretch a dollar, keep in touch over long distances, prepare for separations, and so much more.
Ellie and her Air Force pilot husband have raised a large family while weathering the many moves and deployments that military families experience. Her insights are valuable for Reserve and National Guard families as well as full-time active duty military personnel and their families.
Hope for the Home Front
Winning the emotional and spiritual battles of a military wife
Author: Marshele Carter Waddell, Copyright @ 2003
Military wives are entrenched at home in the battle for their marriages, their children, their faith, and their sanity, which are all caught in the cross fire.
A seasoned military wife, Marshele Carter Waddell arms other military wives with God's promises of power and protection. In her warm and personable style, she recounts many of her own family stories: a call to duty interrupting a romantic dinner, watching her husband disappear into a submarine not to return home for months, and being far away from family during her father's illness and death.
For wives serving on the home front, burdens of fear, loneliness, anger, disappointment, temptation, single parenting, and separation from loved ones may easily rob them of the joy of following God's calling for their families. Hope for the Home Front provides Scriptural promises, tested advice, and compassionate support. "We have a firm anchor," Waddell reminds readers: "our faith in an unchanging God whose promises never fail."
How Did They Get Taller Than Me?
Author: Kathy Woodbury, Copyright @ 2019
Our children progress from babies to adults in the blink of an eye, and we as parents are left wondering, "How did that happen?" With humor and biblical insights harvested from years of military travel, ministry, and raising two boys, author Kathy Woodbury reveals candid truths she has captured during the process of cultivating babies to adults. From a transparent glimpse of life in an imperfect family, readers are able to identify with this entertaining question: How Did They Get Taller Than Me? Each chapter proposes delightful and biblical encouragement in the formation of baby to adult. We study our children, we enjoy our children, we fight for our children, and we give our children to the One who knows HOW to make them who they are to be. In the end, our faith answers the question: How Did They Get Taller Than Me?
I'm Already Home...Again
Keeping your family close while on assignment or deployment
Author: Elaine Gray Dumler, Copyright @ 2006
Military families are especially vulnerable to tough separations. Now there's an easy-to-follow, practical guide to fun and inexpensive ways for keeping service men and women connected to their families while they're on assignment or deployment.
I'm Home Already...Again is an essential tool for military personnel preparing for active duty. The first edition of the work, I'm Already Home, is widely used by over 21,000 families. Now, expanded and updated, this second edition includes special features that make it even more useful and relevant to the unique demands of the military family. This valuable guide will help lessen the impact of being apart from those you love.
Intro to Army Life
A handbook for spouses and significant others entering the army lifestyle
Author: Allison Mewes, Copyright @ 2011
Intro to Army Life: A Handbook for Spouses and Significant Others Entering the Army Lifestyle was created to encourage, educate and inspire those entering the army culture. It is an excellent resource for the individual reader or for companies promoting educational resources for the U.S. Army.
I Want You to Know Me
Love, your American hero
Author: Vickie L. Mullins, Copyright @ 2007
Are you messy or neat? Are you a deep sleeper or a light sleeper? Can you roll your Rs? Do you ask for directions?
While our country’s sons and daughters are away, they desperately need to know they are still connected back home. Through this book, I Want You to Know Me … Love, Your American Hero, every day mom and dad can see their hero’s hand-written words describing how he thinks, feels and looks. Yes, he has a cleft in his chin; it’s just like his grandfather’s. Mom and dad can touch their hero’s heart from a distance.
The serviceperson’s children can glance through this book every night before they go to bed, looking at the picture posted in the front and remembering when their mommy was here to read them stories … “And they lived happily ever after.” They connect across the miles.
The American hero’s husband or wife can hold the dog-eared copy of their spouse’s book and picture the answers without opening the cover. Yes, he did a flip off the diving board, and we spent the night in the hospital repairing the damage. Their relationship grows stronger.
We feel I Want You to Know Me … Love, Your American Hero, is our most important book so far, because, in times of uncertainty, it is so important to bring a sense of peace to everyone touched by the lives of our American heroes: mom and dads, grandparents, spouses, children.
*SPECIAL DISCOUNT* Bulk rate available to military organizations if ordered in cases of 20 by calling 1-480-941-8202. May even mix and match with other titles available such as I Want you to Know Me: Love Mom and Dad. Visit www.IWantYouToKnowMe.com for other titles.
Journey Through Deployment
Stepping forward with confidence during military separations
Author: Kathryn Sneed, Copyright @ 2014
Deployment is a journey. What will yours be like?
Deployment is an uncertain time filled with many fears. You may wonder how you will get through each day, how you will cope, and what you will do during this time. The fears and worries can be endless. But the journey doesn’t have to be intimidating. You too, can learn to step forward with confidence and experience hope, joy, and encouragement in deployment.
Journey Through Deployment: Stepping Forward with Confidence During Military Separations is filled with:
- Tips for preparing yourself and your family for deployment
- Hope and encouragement to get you through deployment
- A section for civilians to learn what military life is like
- Tips for preparing yourself and your family for reintegration
- Stories, lessons, and journeys from military spouses just like you
This is a journey you were meant to take. Don’t let deployment intimidate you; learn to step forward with confidence. Remember: you are not alone. The challenges in this journey may be waiting to dishearten you, but you can and will overcome them and experience hope and encouragement on the road ahead.
Married to the Military
A survival guide for military wives, girlfriends, and women in uniform
Author: Meredith Leyva, Copyright @ 2003
Whether your dating, engaged or married to an active military servicemember or reservist--or you've just signed up yourself--you may feel as if you've somehow married the United States military! While there are plenty of orientation books for him, there are almost no handy, user-friendly resources for you. Meredith Leyva, a military wife and founder of cinchouse.com, the Internet's largest community for military wives, girlfriends, and women in uniform, details everything you need to know to manage day-to-day issues and get on with the adventure of military life. From relocation to deployment protocol to finances, and career to kids, Leyva offers time-tested advice about:
- keeping your love life together during deployments
- relocating yourself and your family around the world
- maintaining your own career when you're expected to move every three years
- understanding what pay and benefits you're entitled to--and how to maximize them
- translating those odd acroynyms and jargon
Written by a seasoned military wife, this smart and savvy guide will help you take control at every point of your servicemember's career--from filing marriage papers as newlyweds to choosing prenatal and child care when you start a family to figuring out his pension when he's ready to retire.
Medals Above My Heart
The rewards of being a military wife

Authors: Brenda Pace, Carol McGlothlin, Copyright @ 2004
Medals above My Heart is a book of collected life stories that offer a spiritual focus on the rewards of military life. Although their husbands wear their medals on their uniforms, the wives of servicemen have medals they wear over their hearts too. These may not be tangible medals, but they include the benefits of personal character, leadership development, adventure, relationships and opportunities for service. Each story in this encouraging book includes a Scripture, a prayer and an uplifting message that is sure to encourage and inspire the reader. This book is a great gift for military spouses or anyone who has a desire to better understand military life.
Military Spouse Adult Coloring Book
Authors: Christina and Jodi, Copyright @ 2019
Military Spouse Adult Coloring Book: Hand-Designed Mandalas, USA Flag, Inspirational Sayings and Bible Verses
Support your military families with our hand-designed coloring book by Christina & Jodi.
Our military spouse adult coloring book is a great way to encourage your husband, wife, friend or family member. We included a variety of military hand designs such as the American Flag, Combat Boots, Mandalas, Dog Tags, plus Bible Verses and Inspirational Words.
You will love this book to help you relax, encourage, inspire and see where your creativity will take you.
- Special coloring pages. Every page is uplifting and encouraging which will allow you to relax while your spouse or loved one is deployed or even sitting right next to you.
- Beautiful Hand Designed Art. 24 duplicated hand-drawn pictures, 12 for you to color and if you wish 12 to share with a loved one. Add Your Splash of Color and Creativity!
- Single sided pages. No bleed through coloring with our black-backed pages.
Military Spouse Journey
Discover the possibilities and live your dreams
Authors: Kathie Hightower and Holly Scherer, Copyright @ 2013
With all the challenges of military life, it can be hard for military spouses to pursue careers and other personal dreams. This encouraging book, written by two experienced military spouses who discovered how to pursue their own aspirations despite the challenges of military life, will help you follow your dreams while you follow the military. Kathie and Holly share inspiring stories of how other military spouses have tapped into the richness and possibilities of this unique military lifestyle, and they offer research-based information and ideas you can use right away for your own life and dreams.
Ready to follow your dreams? This book will help you:
- Explore your passions, strengths, and goals.
- Discover possibilities for the life you want to live.
- Create an action plan to move forward, even when you think it’s impossible.
- Learn five keys to happiness you can apply every day, anywhere.
- Build valuable friendships and support systems along the way.
This is a fully revised and updated third edition of the book previously titled Help! I'm a Military Spouse—I Get a Life Too!
Milspouse Matters
Sharing strength through our stories
Author: Jen McDonald, Copyright @ 2023
This book is an inspiring and empowering journey into the heart of military spouse life, showcasing the remarkable resilience and dedication of these often unsung heroes. Beautifully and thoughtfully written by the insightful Jen McDonald, this captivating narrative illuminates the challenges and triumphs faced by military spouses, offering a profound glimpse into a life of constant change.
You knew what you signed up for. These words are often directed at military spouses, yet the true depth of what it will mean to be married to a service member is seldom fully grasped. In Milspouse Matters: Sharing Strength Through Our Stories, readers are immersed in the captivating world of military spouse life, unearthing the challenges and triumphs faced by those who leave behind the familiar to embrace a life of constant change.
Authored by Jen McDonald, this compelling narrative weaves together the experiences of military spouses across generations, illuminating the unbreakable bonds that unite them. With a keen focus on the impact of frequent relocations, deployments, and the nomadic nature of military life, McDonald also celebrates these spouses’ resolute tenacity. Drawing from her personal three-decade journey as a military spouse, alongside stories from contemporary spouses and those from the Korean War and Vietnam conflict eras, Milspouse Matters reveals the remarkable strength within this community.
Whether you’re seeking courage, confidence, or a deeper understanding of the military family experience, these shared stories invite you to discover the unyielding resilience that lies within us all.
Modern Military Spouse
The ultimate military life guide for new spouses and significant others
Authors: Lauren Tamm, J.D. Collins, Jo My Gosh, Copyright @ 2016
Let’s take the guesswork out of military life! Join me, along with hundreds of other military spouses, and grab your copy of Modern Military Spouse today. It has everything you need to survive the ups and downs of military life! After reading this book, you will be able to... - Prepare and navigate PCS moves, military homecomings and military deployments easier. - Understand terms, acronyms and abbreviations all in one convenient location. - Gain instant access to over 22+ printable checklists. - Learn how to navigate getting an education and managing your career as a military spouse. - Build a budget that will work for your military family, using our step-by-step guide for finances and a downloadable spreadsheet. - Learn the keys to nurturing a military marriage that will survive the challenges of military life. - Help your child through military life using key resources and best tips for parenting military kids. Here’s what’s included: 14 comprehensive chapters 20+ printable documents and checklists (Including deployment, PCS, marriage, and resume). Receive a link in the book to download the printables. 3 bonus sections (Including acronyms, abbreviations, and terms) What you’ll learn: When You Don’t Have a Ring What to Do When Your Service Member's Gone Preparing for a Successful Military Marriage Creating a Budget That Works Hitting the Books Military-Style Military Proofing Your Career Building a Strong Support Network Becoming a Good Military Spouse Navigating Military Life with Kids Step-by-Step to PCS Moving and Living Overseas Using Social Media Safely Complete List of Resources for Spouses Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms Defined And more!
More Leisure than Money
Tales of a military wife in Virginia 

Author: Ruth Pennington Paget , Copyright @ 2005
More Leisure than Money: Tales of a Military Wife in Virginia shares secrets for creating roots wherever the global economy may take you at the same time that it evokes Virginia’s colonial and civil war history.
As a Navy wife, author Ruth Pennington Paget created roots for her family by keeping family journals, visiting museums and historic sites, and frequenting the library among other activities. Paget’s series of global era memoirs beginning with The Edible Tao enliven history and encourage readers to write their own life stories.
National Guard 101
A handbook for spouses
Author: Mary Corbett, Copyright @ 2011
America's 365,000+ National Guardsmen and their family members live and work as civilians in nearly 3,000 communities across the United States and her territories, and fight abroad in the defense of our country. National Guard 101 is the only military lifestyle book written specifically for this unique audience.
Corbett's unique book covers a broad range of topics, from practical knowledge about the history of the National Guard and understanding rank to softer subjects like social life in the Guard and family programs. Corbett also details the benefits and assistance resources available to Guard families and guides readers through the process of setting up a Personal Assistance League (PAL) to provide support during deployment.
Acronym-free and written in a lively and informal style, National Guard 101: A Handbook for Spouses demystifies the Guard's unique hybrid civilian-military lifestyle. It is a must-read book for every National Guard family member.
Navy Spouses Guide (2nd Edition)
Author: Laura Hall Stavridis, Copyright @ 2002
Naval officers and enlisted personnel undergo extensive training to cope with the special demands of their duties at sea and ashore, but what about their spouses and children? This practical, one-of-a-kind guide fills the gap by helping families navigate the unique challenges of Navy life. Personal, friendly, and easy to use, this updated edition of the original 1997 guide is based on interviews with Navy spouses and a lifetime of lessons learned by the author as a Navy junior and wife of a career naval officer. Using an array of hard-to-find diagrams, charts, facts, and figures from a wide variety of sources, Laura Stavridis explains every aspect of Navy life in a frank, open discussion.
The particulars of pay, living expenses, travel, children, emergencies, support groups, and social life, as well as medical, legal, and educational issues are described in an interesting, spouse-to-spouse format. Readers learn what to expect with regard to separation, homecomings, life overseas, shore duty, marital dynamics, and divorce. Also covered are such vital topics as military careers, spousal careers, reenlistment, retirement, and transition to civilian life. Useful phone numbers, checklists, glossary, and an up-to-date primer on the Navy's organization, ships and aircraft, and chain of command complete this unique reference. New to this second edition are discussions of e-mail communication, Internet resources, and spouse leadership roles within the Navy. For anyone starting out or contemplating life with a mate in the sea services this one-volume source of user-friendly information will prove invaluable.
Now You Tell Me!
12 Army wives give the best advice they never got
Authors: Sheridan Scott, B.K. Sherer, Donna Lyons, Copyright @ 2012
Army wives face very a very specific set of challenges. Frequent moves, lengthy separations, often being the single parent in the household, and no guarantees of a husband’s safe return can make life sometimes seem overwhelming. But some women have found ways to not only survive but thrive in the military environment. What are their secrets? What in depth advice can they offer? In this book twelve women who have learned how to make a happy and fulfilling life while married to military men share the keys to their success with the thousands of other spouses who are in the same situation.
Olive Drab Pom-Poms
Author: Kori Yates, Copyright @ 2011
Military wives spend years, or even a lifetime, cheering for and supporting their man in uniform. It is a challenging and sometimes overwhelming task. At times, we get caught up in the day-to-day job of simple survival and forget that God has much more planned for us.
Author Kori Yates is one of those military wives. In Olive Drab Pom-Poms, she challenges women in her position to seek God's calling in their lives. She guides military wives-and military wives-to-be-in how to find their place in their husband's world. Readers will learn how to face challenges, their own and others', using God's help each step of the way. And there will be challenges; in a sometimes-uncertain world of the military, that is one definite fact.
Olive Drab Pom-Poms helps military wives stand in unquestionable support of the men they love, serving as cheerleaders, while recognizing that God intends more for them than standing on the sidelines of their husband's career. He has a plan for their lives, and Olive Drab Pom-Poms will help readers discover what He wants for you as you experience life as a real military wife.
101 Military Living Tips
Author: Beth Mahoney, Copyright @ 2008
It's a fact! Military living is not an easy life. Military relocation issues such as enrolling the kids in new schools or finding a new place to live, can become burdensome and easily confusing. Deployments are frustrating and a growing cause of spousal mental health issues. Healthcare is ever changing for the veteran spouse and new spouses are rarely informed. Military housing is a common news feature these days with it's ghetto appearances and pest infestations. Military spouses undergo severe changes in jobs, employment, and parenthood that escalate stress and panic related disorders. But there is a way to cope, to make military life a little easier, in fact, there are 101 ways! 101 Military Living Tips provides quick and useful advice, resources, and important information at your fingertips made especially for military spouses by Beth Mahoney, a military brat turned wife and mother with over 30+ years of military life.
1001 Things to Love About Military Life
Authors: Tara Crooks, Starlett Henderson, Kathie Hightower, Holly Scherer, Copyright @ 2011
A first-of-its-kind celebration of military life, 1001 Things to Love About Military Life chronicles some obvious and not-so-obvious traditions, advantages and experiences military members, veterans and their families share.
Full of heart-warming vignettes, laugh-out-loud lists, stories and quotes from military members and family members, and photos that speak a thousand positive affirmations, this inspirational look at those who dedicate their lives to serving perfectly illustrates why it is a profession and lifestyle to love.
You'll find practical truths most service members wouldn't want to live without and learn the unique outlooks, services and advantages military life provides. Military or civilian, you'll experience the community and personal growth that the military offers.
Whether you have a friend or loved one in the military, you're a service member ready to head out on duty, a spouse gearing up to take charge of the household, a veteran in need of a few good laughs, or a new recruit looking for encouragement, this book provides inspiration and insight into the lives of today's dedicated and courageous military families.
On the Frontline
A personal guidebook for the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of military life
Author: Tom Neven, Copyright @ 2006
The struggles and temptations our service men and women encounter are unique and beyond what civilians might ever face. Written from someone who's been there, this book addresses head-on the issues prevalent in military life: loneliness, fidelity, debt, fear and much more. It's a must-read handbook with uncompromising biblical guidance that will encourage and inspire both men and women in military service.
Operation Military Family
How to strengthen your military marriage and save your family
Author: Michael J.R. Schindler, Copyright @ 2007
Our children's well-being depends on it. Our military is fighting to preserve it. Our nation's strength is a result of it. What is it? A successful marriage.
Operation Military Family offers a unique look at how military couples strengthen their marriages despite the challenges brought on by unexpected or extended deployments. This book offers the "how-to's" on:
- Establishing a pre- and post-deployment plan
- Discovering the vision for your marriage
- Relating to your spouse in spite of circumstances
- Tapping powerful resources at little to no out-of-pocket cost
Now is the time to invest heavily in your greatest asset: your marriage.
Operation: Military Resources (Volume 2)
Author: Kimberly Suchek, Copyright @ 2015
This ultimate book of military resources has over 300 pages filled with thousands of resources for military families—and many of them are new and updated. Easily find scholarships and education opportunities. Search for help with deployments. Learn what is available for military spouses and children. Find state-specific resources. If you want help with any aspect of your military life, this is the book for you.
A great companion to Volume 1, Operation: Military Resources Volume 2 is perfect for military families, active duty, reserve, veterans, retired, and caregivers in all service branches, for all eras of service.
Recapture the Sisterhood, Embrace the Misterhood
Connecting, coaching, and mentoring today's military spouse
Copyright @ 2012
This book is the results of a service project by spouses of the U.S. Army War College (AY12). Recapture the Sisterhood, Embrace the Misterhood is a compilation of fabulous need-to-know information pertaining to connecting, coaching, and mentoring today’s Army spouse. Using feedback, personal experience, and anecdotal vignettes, the goal of this project is to reignite an interest in assuming the unique role an Army spouse can have in this area.
Right Side Up
Find Your Way When Military Life Turns You Upside Down
Author: Judy Davis, Copyright @ 2014
Constant change … drama … stress …
Have the demands of military life become overwhelming?
You may feel powerless right now, but every challenge and sacrifice you rise above helps you grow into the person you want to be!
Are you ready to be happy in military life?
In this practical and motivating personal guide, you will:
-- Define your role as a military spouse and tweak your expectations of military life.
-- Identify situations that cause you stress and create strategies to calm chaos, deal with drama, and respond to change.
-- Find ways to cut the yuck from your life, make yourself a priority, and fully embrace military life.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to living a happier life--military or otherwise--but the exercises in this book will help you create your best plan based on your needs, your personality, and your insights. Move through the emotional side of military life with strength and joy--and land right side up!
Roses and Thorns
A handbook for Marine Corps enlisted wives
Author: The Marine Corps, Copyright @ 1990
A handbook for wives of Enlisted Marines.
Sacred Spaces
My journey to the heart of military marriage
Author: Corie Weathers, Copyright @2016
Like many military couples, Corie and her husband, Matt, an Army chaplain, accumulated significant unshared moments during Matt's deployments. Matt lost friends and fellow soldiers to combat in Afghanistan. On the home front, Corie sat with bereaved military families and walked through dark days with new widows as a friend and professional counselor. When Matt returned, he and Corie began using the term "sacred spaces" for these and other significant moments they had experienced independently. After multiple deployments, sacred spaces were taking up a lot of emotional room in their relationship.
When US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter invited Corie, as the 2015 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year, to join his team on a one-week overseas holiday trip, she eagerly accepted, hoping to gain a better understanding of her husband's deployment experience and lessen the impact sacred spaces had on her marriage.
Corie didn't choose the timing or circumstances of her trip with Secretary Carter--Christmastime, in the midst of her family's second cross-state move in six months--but it seemed the perfect opportunity for Corie and Matt to gain a better understanding of each other's perspectives.
Matt experienced life on the home front with new eyes as he moved their household belongings, prepared for the holidays, and settled their two young sons into their new school.
At US military installations and aboard aircraft and aircraft carriers in Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf, Corie spoke with military families stationed overseas and deployed troops on the ground, in the air, and at sea. She paid close attention to her own sensory and emotional reactions to these new environments and recorded her thoughts each day via video log, blog, and social media. She also wrote about the trip for Military Spouse magazine.
While she wanted to inform other military families about her discoveries, Corie deeply hoped the trip would impact her own marriage as well. She didn't choose the locations the entourage would visit, yet fate landed her in the very place that had changed the trajectory of her life.
As Corie sat in the belly of a C-17, where her husband had said goodbye to the remains of friends and fellow soldiers, as she touched with her own hands the memorial at FOB Fenty and reflected on her grief as a care team member following the battle of COP Keating, Corie realized this journey was about much more than the push-pull of duty away from loved ones.
This was a journey to the heart of her marriage, a place where she would have to leave behind her resentment in exchange for ground she and her husband had surrendered to hurt, misunderstanding, loss--and to Afghanistan.
Corie set out on this trip hoping to gain a better understanding of her husband and his deployment experience, but along the way, she discovered a whole new perspective of herself and her military marriage. By sharing her story, Corie hopes to help other military couples strengthen their marriages.
Sea Legs
A U.S. Coast Guard Life and Services Handbook
Welcome to the Coast Guard Family! This edition of Sea Legs contains information that can assist active duty and Reserve Coast Guardsmen, their spouses, family members and friends.
Service Etiquette (5th Edition)
Authors: Cherlynn Coneetsco and Anna Hart, Copyright @ 2013
This all-new 5th edition of the venerable Service Etiquette cements the guide’s reputation as the definitive resource of military protocol. International protocol experts Cherlynn Conetsco and Anna Hart have totally rewritten the book, expanding its scope and intended readership from military officers and military spouses to all levels of the military, government, and business professionals. With forty-plus years of collective experience, they are recognized masters in modern etiquette and civility.Universally applicable, the new edition is a highly readable, multicultural courtesy and planning manual that provides entry-level professionals with a wealth of hands-on detail and vital skill sets. To seasoned military leaders and corporate executives, it offers useful insights in refining social and business models for a diverse selection of both domestic and international constituencies. Throughout the reference, Conetsco and Hart share fascinating insights, the latest official information, and modern civility advice. They introduce new material covering international guest and host etiquette, including manners at the global dinner table, public use of personal electronic devices and email manners, and essential protocol during government ceremonies, business receptions, and high-profile visits. They spotlight individual responsibilities, such as proposing toasts and navigating receiving lines, in detail. Seating plans are included for conference rooms, auditoriums, and dining tables. There are checklists and step-by-step scripts for organizing a Dining In or a Fallen Comrade observance. For fast reference, the first page of each chapter includes a box listing key points covered. To keep the guide user friendly, boxes with pertinent questions and answers appear throughout the text.
64 Easy Answers About Etiquette for the Modern Military Spouse
Author: Marna Krajeski, Copyright @ 2012
The trouble with most etiquette manuals is they’re too long. Now there’s a shortcut.
64 Easy Answers About Etiquette for the Modern Military Spouse was designed to provide a quick and convenient guide at your fingertips. The Frequently-Asked-Question format allows you to glance at the table of contents and consult the section you need, or read the book in one sitting if that’s your style.
"Easy Answers" covers social etiquette, as well as customs specific to military culture, such as what to do during reveille, retreat, and national anthems of foreign countries. This book will give you the confidence a military spouse needs for any situation.
Souls Under Seige
The effects of multiple troop deployments-and how to weather the storm
Author: Bridgett C. Cantrell, Copyright @ 2009
Besieged! Everyone is looking for a quick fix for the current war to win it, fight it, or end it! In the meantime, the resiliency of the dedicated men and women serving our country has been stretched thin by another concern the siege of their souls as they go through the revolving door of seemingly endless combat tours. The most voracious enemy for today s troops and their families is time, attrition, and unpreparedness. These elements continue to eat away at every level of their lives. It is all in the makeup of living under siege, and those under siege need to find ways to hold their ground as long as the war lasts. They need to prepare well in advance for the inevitability of multiple deployments.
It has been confirmed that warriors on their third and fourth tours of duty have much greater rates of mental health challenges than those on their first or second deployments. Time, and the wear and tear, has become a daunting enemy. For the families the weight of these deployments is magnified when they are ill-prepared for the tremendous emotional change and upheaval that may develop from these circumstances.
Dr. Bridget C. Cantrell, Ph.D. is the author of Down Range to Iraq and Back and Once a Warrior: Wired For Life and she now brings you Souls under Siege: The Effects of Multiple Troop Deployments and How to Weather the Storm. It is a book that will help us all find ways to support and tend to those living with the pressures of multiple deployments. Its thrust is to not only expand awareness of the issues involved, but to also outline sensible tools for finding relief in these trying times. Souls under Siege is not a book to sit idle on your shelf. It will become a useful guide to be used over and over again.
Spouse Calls
Messages from a military life
Author: Terri Barnes, Copyright @ 2014
Since 2007, Terri Barnes has been a touchstone for readers of Stars and Stripes through her popular weekly column, Spouse Calls.
In Spouse Calls: Messages From a Military Life, Terri continues to bridge generations with a best of collection sure to touch the hearts and homes of every reader.
From her own kitchen table to Capitol Hill, Terri takes readers beyond the headlines and homecoming videos for an inside look at the day-to-day hardships, victories, and many ways military life shapes, challenges, and enriches its families.
Through poignant personal stories, incisive interviews, and emotive reflections, Terri s military life columns create an historical snapshot of American and world affairs, preserving an important piece of our nation's culture.
About her book, Terri says, "My hometown isn't a geographical location, but a place in American culture that is invisible to many people. My family lives in the hometown of military installations and military communities. This book is the story of the people we know and the life we live in the neighborhood of our American military life."
Stories Around the Table
Laughter, wisdom, and strength in military life
Author: 40+ contributors, Copyright @2014
Conversations are the heart of a gathering among friends.
In Stories Around the Table: Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life, military spouses, parents, children, and service members gather together to laugh, cry, lend perspective, and share personal stories from their military life experience. From poignant to practical, tragic to humorous, these candid conversations from friends old and new shed heartfelt insight on many aspects of military life:
~ friendship, depression, romance in military marriage,
caring for children with special needs in a mobile lifestyle,
renewing relationships after deployment,
career challenges for spouses, changing schools,
post-traumatic stress, faith, grief,
and so much more ~
More than forty writers, from bestselling authors to compelling new voices, start the conversation. All are military family members. Each has a story to share. Please join us.
Surviving Deployment
A guide for military families

Author: Karen Pavlicin, Copyright @ 2003
Surviving Deployment is your personal guide to turning an otherwise lonely and challenging situation into a positive experience.
Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and how to personally grow as individuals and families. Your survival gear will range from a sturdy toilet plunger to the fine art of letter writing. You'll manage financial changes, help children express their feelings, and discover a renewed appreciation for everyday life. Solid information. Practical checklists. Personal stories from hundreds of families.
Surviving Military Deployment
A 365-day activity guide for the families of deployed personnel
Author: Marc Maxwell, Copyright @ 2008
Family members know that today, military separation is common and that long deployments are the norm. Coping with everyday problems and hardships by themselves is very difficult, and often leads to loneliness and depression. In his day-to-day counseling of military family members, Marc CB Maxwell, a Department of Defense Guidance Counselor and former Army Airborne Ranger, discovered that many members of his military community were unprepared for these separations. Surviving Military Separation: A 365-Day Activity Guide for the Families of Deployed Personnel is the helping hand they need to get through their family member’s deployment.
The Army Spouse Handbook
A necessary guide for any Army spouse
Author: Ann Crossley with Ginger Perkins, Copyright @ 2019
- A comprehensive, easy-to-read resource for Army Spouses
- The Army Spouse Handbook will help you be the best Army Spouse you can be
- Army culture distilled for today's Army Spouses
- A resource for all Army Spouses — privates' Spouses to generals' Spouses
- The Army Wife Handbook updated for today's Army
The Busy Book
99 Ways to Stay Busy During Deployment
Author: Sara Horn, Copyright @ 2009
Military spouses who are going through deployments sometimes struggle to find time for themselves. They’re busy, but they often feel like they’re spinning their wheels more than they are getting a whole lot done. When this happens, setting goals and planning one or two special projects can change a spouse’s perspective for the better.
The Busy Book offers 99 different ways a military spouse can stay busy during a deployment. Ideas are found in one of four areas: physical, mental, social and spiritual. A special feature includes the web links that come with many of the 99 ways, leading you to more information about a specific idea, and a checklist can be printed out for you to keep record of the different activities you've already tried.
The author, Sara Horn, a Navy reservist wife, has written extensively about the military and for the military family. She’s the founder of www.wivesoffaith.org, a faith-based military wives support organization she started when her own husband deployed.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Life as a Military Spouse
Survive-and-thrive tips for every military spouse
Author: Lissa McGrath, Copyright @ 2008
Today's military has changed dramatically—and spouses need to be prepared. Approximately half of our 1.4 million fighting men and women are married. And for a military spouse, information and support are not easy to find. Included here is:
- How to enroll in the Child Development Homes program
- What to do before a permanent change of station (PCS)
- How to prepare for the deployment—and the return—of a spouse
- Easy ways to calculate benefits, allowances, and special pays
The First Deployment
Interviews and inspiration for those who support the military
Author: Anna Luiken, Copyright @ 2022
Presenting the stories of six military spouses who have faced deployment in various life stages along with pieces of the author's story, the heart of this book is to share real experiences with truth and tenacity. No topic is overlooked- mental health, miscarriage, birth with an absent spouse, the ups and downs of parenting, marriage, striving in the daily mundane, and finding significance in failures and insecurities are all part of this raw look into the life of military spouses. Delivering hope to the weary soul, this book is a must-read resource for all who support military service members.
The Homefront Club
The hardheaded woman's guide to raising a military family
Author: Jacey Eckhart, Copyright @ 2005
As anyone with a spouse in uniform knows, the military offers families neither geographical stability nor guarantees of life under one roof. Those conditions make it tough to keep a marriage together, raise good kids, and maintain some semblance of normalcy, but help is on the way. Jacey Eckhart’s new guide navigates readers through military life on the homefront. Aiming her advice at the wife—male spouses, she says, need their own book—she covers issues from the first day in the "fortress" to the last day the husband is piped ashore with humor and encouragement. An Air Force brat herself, Eckhart swore she would never enter the military, but married the first Navy man she dated and over the past seventeen years has raised three children, moved thirteen times, and tackled five deployments. She argues that being able to manage military life is not a secret some wives know and others don’t, but rather a set of skills to be acquired.
Eckhart presents the realities and then offers some solutions for the married-but-single parent, starting out on the bottom rung of the career ladder with each move, and worrying if military life is hurting the kids. She helps newlyweds and long-marrieds alike better understand the people who are drawn to military service and find ways to fit into the military community without losing a sense of self. Her guide offers helpful ideas about managing the demands of a teenager during a move, finding playmates for toddlers in new neighborhoods, and even telling mothers-in-law why they shouldn’t be at the homecoming. She also lists methods of finding full and part-time work. From pre-deployment work-ups through Christmas blues and post-deployment problems, Eckhart and her guide are at the homefront ready to help.
The Mocha Manual to Military Life
A savvy guide for wives, girlfriends, and female service members
Authors: Kimberly Seals-Allers with Pamela M. McBride
Copyright @ 2009
From Kimberly Seals-Allers, the creator of the Mocha Manual™ series, and coauthor Pamela McBride, a seasoned military wife, comes the ultimate guide to life, love, and logistics for military spouses, girlfriends, and female service members. Whether you're just beginning to date a military man and pondering the ins and outs of a long-distance relationship as he moves from base to base or you're a newly wed military wife, The Mocha Manual to Military Life has a host of tips for optimizing your romance. Beyond matters of the heart, the book also offers advice on everything from how to thrive during deployment to how to master military protocol to how to best build friendships among military wives. Accessible and witty, The Mocha Manual to Military Life is a fresh and timely must-read for all women—but particularly African American and Latina women—affected by military service. Written in the same informative tone as the other books in the Mocha Manual™ series, with sidebars and testimony from women who have experience navigating military life, this book is sure to be essential reading for all women engaged in some form or fashion with the military.
The New Military Wife's Guide to Deployment
How to feel positive, motivated and fulfilled during your time apart
Author: Heather Goffrier, Copyright @ 2015
Dear military wife or girlfriend going into your first deployment... or anyone eager to have a positive, motivating and fulfilling deployment while you're far from the love of your life:
Over the past eight years, I've gone from being lonely and discouraged during deployments, to positive and fulfilled when my husband is away. Even though I miss him like there's a hole in my heart, I've discovered how to stay motivated, get myself off the couch, and have fun while he's gone.
What you'll learn inside The New Military Wife’s Guide To Deployment:
- how to stay motivated to be social
- healthy ways to stay busy
- how to be comfortable walking into a room filled with people you don't know
- how to turn an acquaintance into a friend so you have someone to hang out with
- how to build up your support community so you don't feel as alone all the time
- staying positive without being fake
- creating boundaries in your life so you're not so overwhelmed all the time with your daily responsibilities
- how to process your feelings so you can cope with your struggles in a healthy way
- how to find people who understand you and who care about what's going on in your life
- great activities to distract you and help time seem to go faster
I'll share with you how I was able to turn a miserable, lonely deployment into an enjoyable time where I met great friends and become more social. I'll tell you how I learned how to stop stuffing my emotions and to process them and reduce my anxiety by 100 fold!
As someone who has done four deployments, each in a different phase of relationship: as a military girlfriend, a fiance', a wife with no kids, and a mom of a young baby, I know that each stage has its own challenges. I also know that if you're in any of those stages, what I share can help you instantly and dramatically improve your experience during deployment.
I'm not going to tell you that you won't feel lonely or have days where you are completely unmotivated, discouraged and worn out. I would be lying if I said that. What I will share is how to process those difficult days and to respond to them in a way that results in a positive, motivating and fulfilling deployment experience.
The Treasure of Staying Connected for Military Couples
Author: Janel Lange, Copyright @ 2004
This book is a lifeline for couples stressed by military life, especially the lengthy separations. Short "real life" stories of couples growing through the tough times are expanded by comments from the author, a Navy wife of 25 years, who also has 25 years experience in presenting marriage enrichment programs.
Thriving Not Just Surviving
Deployment perspectives for today's military families
Officers' Christian Fellowship (OCF), Copyright @ 2008
This new book offers powerful insights to military families who are facing multiple deployments. Thriving Not Just Surviving is a collection of dozens of interviews and articles, many by wives of men who are currently deployed. They share their stories of God's care and provision with the hope that they will inspire others in similar situations. Additionally deployed men also speak out and share what they want their wives to know about deployment. The final chapter of the book is dedicated to reunion and reintegration.
To order copies, please contact Joyce Baerg at the OCF office in Englewood, Colorado, through e-mail ([email protected]) or phone (800-424-1984). We are offering Thriving Not Just Surviving for $10 each. For orders of ten or more copies, the price is discounted to $6 each. At this point, the book is only available through OCF.
Today's Military Wife - 7th Edition
Meeting the challenges of service life
Author: Lydia Sloan Cline, Copyright @ 2014
Revised and updated, this is the essential guide for service members' wives and families.
- Covers all aspects, from marriage and living on base to moving and deployments
- Includes sections on benefits, resources, and sound advice for a quality life in the service
- Tips on how to survive and prosper, including coping with periodic separations, managing a separate career, pursuing further education, handling finances, living overseas, raising a family, and enjoying the social aspects of military life
U.S. Army Deployment Cycle Readiness
Soldier's and family member's handbook
The U.S. Army Deployment Cycle Readiness: Soldier's and Family Member's Handbook is designed to be used by Soldiers and Family Members in the Active, Guard, and Reserve Components. This handbook helps Families "gear up" for the various stages within the deployment cycle providing tips, ideas, and resources that can be used. Mission readiness requires Family preparedness. It can be very helpful to maintain a Family, Unit, and Resource Connection throughouth the various deployment stages.
Soldiers in this handbook refers to all Active Duty, Guard and Reserve members of the Army. "Families" refers to both immediate and extended family members of Soldiers as well as other individuals identified by Soldiers.
Weekend Warrior No More
Help and hope for Reserve and National Guard families during deployment
Author: Sara Horn, Copyright @ 2013
At the height of our nation’s most recent wars, more than 1.1 million service members served with the United States Reserve components, making up 45 percent of the country’s total military force. Currently, an estimated 850,000 serve. As the military’s approach to the global war on terror shifted, the reservists’ role changed accordingly. Their families know not to ask if they will be deployed, but when. Reservists now expect deployment more frequently, requiring them to put families, employers, and lives on hold while they serve their country.
These circumstances present enormous challenges to civilian families suddenly thrust into active military life. With one foot in the civilian world, citizen-soldier families find themselves navigating a military world where esoteric acronyms, unfamiliar processes, and a different culture can cause confusion and uncertainty. The available resources of knowledge and information, however, are often recycled from active military family readiness groups and manuals, offering little understanding or insight from the reservist’s perspective. Most reservist spouses are asked to piece the military puzzle together on their own—and often far from military bases and their inherent support structures.
From planning budgets to helping children cope with the stress of deployment, Weekend Warrior No More is a practical and positive guide written for the spouses of reservists from the wife of a reservist who has served for more than 16 years and has seen multiple deployments. Personal stories and insights from the author and other National Guard and reserve spouses provide hope, encouragement, and a message that yes, your family can survive a deployment—and even grow from it.
What you can find in Weekend Warrior No More:
- What must-have info you need to include in your deployment binder (and what your service member shouldn’t leave home without)
- The three most important things you need to take care of, and tips on how to do just that
- How to overcome the fears that come with deployment
- How to get ready for the homecoming
Welcome to Rota
The unofficial guide to getting settled, and enjoying the culture, food, and travel opportunities of southern Spain
Author: Lizann Lightfoot, Copyright @2014
This guidebook is written by a military spouse, and designed to help new families moving to Naval Station Rota. Do you have orders to Rota? Are you wondering what to expect from the base, and how you will adjust to living in Spain? Are you curious about Spanish food, or eager to travel? Have no fear! The author shares her experiences and answers common newcomer questions. Inside you will find advice on topics such as housing and school options, services available on base, local restaurants and stores, Spanish food, and places to visit in a day or in a weekend. The book also contains traditional Spanish recipes (in English), GPS coordinates to local stores, parking lots, and entertainment areas, and hundreds of links to websites for more information. If you are moving to Rota, this is the essential book to help you make the most of your move and your time in Spain. If you are sponsoring a military family new to Rota, this book makes the perfect gift! It will help answer their questions, let them know what to expect, and make the transition process easier for the whole family.
When Duty Calls
A handbook for families facing military separation

Author: Carol Vandesteeg, Copyright @ 2005
In this unique and wonderfully thorough handbook, a military wife and mom shares practical advice about preparing and dealing with deployment of a loved one. Carol Vandesteeg helps families learn what to expect as they prepare for deployment, how to communicate while separated, helping children through the separation, and reuniting at the end of the tour of duty. When Duty Calls also addresses the subject that's so painful to face: the possibility that the loved one may not return.
Wives of the Warriors
Living confidently in Christ

Author: Ronda Sturgill, Copyright @ 2003
The wife of an active duty USAF Chaplain, Bible Study leader and Retreat/Seminar speaker, Ronda Sturgill has been a paraplegic as the result of a horseback riding accident in 1972. From a world class arch on the United States Wheelchair Athletic Team to a Christian communicator, Ronda ministers to both Military and Civilian audiences, motivating and encouraging them to apply Biblical principles to their lives.
Wives of the Warriors, Living Confidently in Christ is a ten-week Bible study that applies Biblical principles to the following circumstances:
- Single parenting, yet happily married
- Loneliness, anger, frustration
Participation in this study encourages interaction with Scripture for the purpose of changing attitudes and actions. Each week a new principle is presented which enables us to face each challenge with greater faith and confidence in God. Through in-depth study of His Word, we learn God's plans, purposes, and promises for our lives!
Write Out Loud!
Helping military spouses and children cope with life
Author: Dr. Linda W. Peterson
Write Out Loud! is a curriculum guide for therapists, trainers, parents, and members of the military to help them cope with deployment, worry, stress, and possible loss. The hands-on activities and tools are excellent for probing understanding and developing insight as the non-deployed spouse and children.
Your Soldier, Your Army
A family guide
Author: Vicki Cody, Copyright @ 2017
Obtain your FREE copy here - LINK
If you are reading this book, you probably have a loved one serving in the Army. This is the new and revised edition of my original book, Your Soldier, Your Army—A Parents’ Guide, published in 2005. A lot has changed since then and I, along with the Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare, decided it was time to update the original book.
In the 12 years since the original release, I have continued to get feedback from so many people from all over the United States—moms and dads, spouses, Soldiers and civilians—about how my book has helped them to cope with and understand the Army. Their words, letters, cards and feedback have been a source of great pride for me and, at times, have given me strength. The fact that I continue to meet people who have recently read the book, and that AUSA continues to get requests for it, tells me that there is still a great need for it. And, as the original struck such a chord with readers, I have tried to keep as much of it as possible, merely reworking, editing and adding new material as needed. One significant change is reflected in the deletion of the original subtitle, A Parents’ Guide; this revised edition is not just for parents—it is for any family member of a Soldier.
My perspective has also changed since 2005. My husband retired from the Army in 2008, after 36 years of service. Our two sons are still on active duty, both helicopter pilots and now both married with children. Since 2002, we have had one or both of our sons deployed at any given time and for varying lengths of time to Iraq, Afghanistan and Korea. Sometimes, I have trouble remembering how many times we have said good-bye, but the homecomings remain as blessings never to be taken for granted. My husband and I are on the sidelines now, cheering on this next generation of Soldiers and families. Now we see the life we once lived through the eyes of our sons, their wives and our four young grandsons.
The need for this book came out of my own fears and stresses when our sons began deploying to combat zones early in their careers. I realized then that there was not a lot of information out there for parents of Soldiers. The Army had made great strides in educating and providing for Soldiers’ spouses, but there just wasn’t much for other family members. The war in Iraq had begun and, with both of our sons deployed in the same unit, I knew that if I were concerned and worried, I could only imagine how stressful it was for the moms and dads who had never been in the Army and who knew little or nothing about what their son or daughter had chosen to do. In a peacetime Army that may not be as critical, but during a time of war and with almost every unit deploying at one time or another, I knew that there was a real need for information for Soldiers’ families.
My goal back in 2005 was—and continues to be today—to share, teach, comfort and ultimately help others experience the joys that come with serving this nation. Whether it is you, someone in your family or someone you know who is in uniform, I hope this book opens your eyes, ears and heart and helps to give you the resources, the strength and the courage you may need. It is not easy having a loved one in the Army, especially in today’s climate of unrest in so many places around the world.
—Vicki Cody